Kevin Spraggett's blog puzzle of the day features a triple tickler!

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  • Kevin Spraggett's blog puzzle of the day features a triple tickler!

    Kevin Spraggett's blog has a Leonid Kubbel puzzle of the day which features a triple tickler! Tickler you say?? The chess language runs really short of terminology when describing interesting chess moves. (another reason why its hard to promote the game or at least make it more interesting) Tickler= embarassing or annoying pawn move. I coined this term when teaching chess to kids and I feel it should be part of the chess language. Take a look at the position. In the conventional chess language we would say: White uses three pawn levers to restrict and trap the king in its movements. Huh?!? Go away. How about something more colorful? I use the term tickler and it really resonates with my kids - they really get it!!

  • #2
    Re: Kevin Spraggett's blog puzzle of the day features a triple tickler!

    [deleted, sorry]
    Last edited by Egidijus Zeromskis; Wednesday, 8th April, 2009, 09:46 AM. Reason: missed a thread

