A New FIDE Women's World Chess Championship Cycle

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  • A New FIDE Women's World Chess Championship Cycle

    Posted today, Sept. 21, on the Facebook chess discussion page of the Cooperative Chess Coalition (CCC) [ http://www.facebook.com/groups/coope...hesscoalition/ ]:

    CCC Discusses Chess - A New FIDE Women's World Chess Championship Cycle

    A simple modification of the existing WWCC cycle could substantially improve the quality of the WWCC. All that is needed is that the current knockout women's championship tournament part be changed into a Women's World Cup. The winner of this becomes the next Challenger in a Women's World Championship Match.

    So the WWCC cycle would be:

    1. In year # 1, the winner of the Women's World Cup plays as Challenger, a Women's World Championship Match against the then Women's World Champion. In this year also starts the Women's Year #1/#2 Grand Prix.

    2. In year # 2, the winner of the Women's Grand Prix becomes the next Challenger, and plays a Women's World Championship Match aginst the then Women's World Champion that year.

    This leads to a Women's World Championship Match each year, with two separate feeder systems determining the Challengers, in alternate years.

    Is this a change FIDE could make? Is it a change FIDE would make? If not, what would be required to force FIDE to make this reform?

    Bob Armstrong, CCC Member (Canada)