Cascla (N-|K+) or (N-|<<+): Reshevsky vs Yanofsky, Tel Aviv Olympiad 1964

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  • Cascla (N-|K+) or (N-|<<+): Reshevsky vs Yanofsky, Tel Aviv Olympiad 1964

    Cascla (N-|K+) or (N-|<<+): White does not castle, Black castles Kingside, Black wins.

    This game by D.A. Yanofsky was part of his successful quest at this Olympiad to become, not only Canada's first Grandmaster, but the first GM developed in the British Commonwealth! Yanofsky makes an astonishing piece sacrifice early in the game, tying up American board one Reshevsky's Kingside with tripled f-pawns, rendering his dark-squared bishop useless on h2. It's a concept of pure genius, and ultimately proves successful! :)

    Samuel Reshevsky vs D.A. Yanofsky
    Tel Aviv Olympiad 1964
    Grunfeld, D92