We have 2 bus ticket 25$ from Toronto to Montreal - hurry

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  • We have 2 bus ticket 25$ from Toronto to Montreal - hurry


    We must resell two tickets one-way from Toronto to Montreal. The reason is that the person will take the plane instead.

    The actual prices directly from Coach Canada was 35.50$ yesterday for a one-way.

    We sell it to you for 25$ only. Hurry up to be the first to contact us. Simply send an email to championnatdemontreal@gmail.com and we will send you the confirmation number.

    The COACH CANADA terminal is located in downtown Toronto at 610 Bay

    Here are the dates and hours of the two tickets:

    1 - Leaves from Toronto at 15:30 Sept. 10 and it will arrive in Montreal Sept. 11 at 00:15.

    2 - Departure 21:00 from Toronto. The bus will take you to the terminal in Montreal at 03:45 in the morning Sept. 11.

    Montreal Open Chess Championship
    Last edited by Championnat de Montréal; Wednesday, 9th September, 2009, 04:12 PM.