Death of GM Matanovic -- covered at

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  • Death of GM Matanovic -- covered at

    RIP GM Alexander Matanovic (1930-2023). His career is covered well at, today.

    I consider him a genius, along with his Yugoslav chess colleagues, for inventing, in the 1960s, the Informant system of chess data collection and categorization. Extraordinary foresight and leadership have been repeatedly demonstrated by the Informant team.

    This is, of course, closely connected with his own very significant chess achievements as a player and organizer.

    Very few, if any, chess people in history have made more positive contributions. The Informant system and personnel arguably did more to popularize and develop chess around the world than any other single invention.

    I can still remember when I saw my first volume of 'Informant'. I think I was ten years old, and that was when I really started getting interested in chess. No doubt, many others around the world have had similar experiences.

    The Informant team's work inspired my own invention of 'CASCLA', a 'CAStling CLAssification' system (first published in detail on this site in 2015, but which I had worked on since the 1970s).