Chess ’N Math Association Canada and the Max Chess Academy sued over cheating claim

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  • #16
    Frank, fair play and anti-cheating measures are now covered in the FIDE Arbiter seminar (Hal and Omar taught one in Toronto last year).

    There was a recent case at the Chicago Open where someone was caught using their phone at the table between their legs. Looks like that person went unnoticed for 2 years as their USCF rating went from 1100 to 2000. Post on Reddit has since been deleted, but either way, the potential for cheating doesn't exist solely in online spaces.


    • #17
      I haven't seen the games so I can't comment, but there is something a bit off in this article as a fairly inactive National Master who has only played a few games of rated quick chess in the last decade and a half with a very poor result in a 2023 quick event is apparently somehow considered equivalent to an international master and distinguished professor who is widely considered the world authority on chess cheating in Dr. Kenneth Regan.

      I think we settled on using two cameras simultaneously to give a full view of the playing area and player when the CFC was organizing some online youth events during the pandemic.

      Fast improving juniors can be flagged (falsely in my opinion in some cases) on online platforms, if they show rapid improvement.

      Due process is important if only to protect the chess federation and organizers as well as the player.

      Often there is a rush to judgment by people who know nothing.

      Legal proceedings can be a pain for everyone but the lawyers.

      I am happy that the CFC is not involved in this case.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post
        Interesting it took until now for this to happen. Good thing as Patrick said it shouldnt be a very complicated case.
        It took until now for this to happen because when similar things happened before involving CFC play we took a page from the USCF which has well developed policies in this area including due process

        Every case is different but there are instances where I believe that the online platforms get it wrong and flag players for cheating when they are not cheating. Rapidly improving young players seem to be the ones that suffer from this the most.

        I have sat through the presentation which explains their system for cheating detection, and have had a presentation by their mathematical wizard and I have signed a non-disclosure agreement. I have also been accepted as an expert on this topic by in one case where a player was appealing their suspension. Before I signed the NDA agreement I have also provided advice to players on how to minimize the risk of being flagged as a cheater. Nothing that I learned after the presentation and NDA has changed the prescription. If you are playing on or, do not have other applications open and do not change your focus.

        People have been suspended for changing their focus to their homework in Word on lichess. They have also been suspended for having chessbase running in the background. You can get suspended for what happens in unrated games.

        Just because something is an uncomplicated case does not make it better when you are dealing with sometimes unsophisticated courts and an uneducated public. When we were sued for copyright violation, the case was nonsensical and all of the precedent was on our side but you still have to go to court and fight it.


        • #19
          Thanks for the informative reply Vlad


          • #20
            The commentary section on the original article has been closed.

            People use the descriptor of prodigy somewhat loosely. When all else fails, blame racism.

            I wonder how much the lawyers are costing everyone.

            Apparently the game was played on the school's own custom online platform so no involvement from nor There are a lot of legal protections built in to their platform user agreements.
            Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Saturday, 8th June, 2024, 12:15 PM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post
              Thanks for the informative reply Vlad
              You are very welcome, Hans.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                Patrick, I do NOT see him in the CFC database. He is in the CMA database rated 751.


                • #23
                  Wow, teen prodigy ... one regular-rated tournament, provisional rating of 833. Two quick-rated tournaments, provisional rating 1157. Next stop... the world championship?


                  • #24
                    We need Cecil Rosner to 'fix' this journalist fast. Cecil Rosner teaches a course on investigative journalism, and this is the type of stuff he is dealing with. The word prodigy is innacurate and is used by the journalist to create suspense and drama. The kid is NOT prodigy at all.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Olga Mushtaler View Post
                      We need Cecil Rosner to 'fix' this journalist fast. Cecil Rosner teaches a course on investigative journalism, and this is the type of stuff he is dealing with. The word prodigy is innacurate and is used by the journalist to create suspense and drama. The kid is NOT prodigy at all.
                      Have you reached out to Cecil, Olga?

                      Seriously, have you?

                      Or for this matter, reached out to NM Luc Poitras?


                      I'm thinking ... nope.

                      Last edited by Neil Frarey; Tuesday, 11th June, 2024, 04:33 AM.


                      • #26
                        A Gell-Mann amnesia effect example.
                        "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post

                          Have you reached out to Cecil, Olga?

                          Seriously, have you?

                          Or for this matter, reached out to NM Luc Poitras?


                          I'm thinking ... nope.

                          These don't look like good ideas, Neil. Why should the CFC insert itself into a dispute in which it has no direct involvement?
                          "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                          "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                          "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post

                            Have you reached out to Cecil, Olga?

                            Seriously, have you?

                            Or for this matter, reached out to NM Luc Poitras?


                            I'm thinking ... nope.

                            Neil Frarey
                            Excuse me? I can ask you same question - have you reached out to Cecil Rosner? Have you reached out to Stormy Daniels about hush money received from Donald Trump? No? Why not?

                            If I say we need Cecil Rosner - it is just an idea. The idea is not for me to act on, as I am not a lawyer or a witness in this case.


                            • #29
                              Neil Frarey If you think I just come and chat here about chess, you are mistaken - I run a 2000-member chess club and have plenty to do in chess besides this chat.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

                                These don't look like good ideas, Neil. Why should the CFC insert itself into a dispute in which it has no direct involvement?
                                You are assuming wrongly that Neil is trying to generate good ideas for the CFC. He is but an agent of chaos doing the work of his Dark Lord.

