Eastern Ontario Open: $30 discount ending

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  • Eastern Ontario Open: $30 discount ending

    Hi chess fans, please note that the April $30 triple-early discount is about to end. As some of you already know, I am working tonight, and so I cannot attend the RA chess club this evening. The only remaining way to still take advantage of this $30 discount, is to mail your registration and payment by this Saturday, April 30th (the federal tax deadline?!).

    If you still prefer to pay in person, I next expect to be at the RA chess club on Thursday, May 12th, for the 2011 EOCA AGM. However, after April 30th, the discount will be only $20.


    We are proud this year to have expanded this tournament to 6 rounds, and extend it over the Canada Day long weekend. On July 1st itself, there will be one round starting mid-morning. After that, there is no better place to be in the whole country that day, than downtown Ottawa, around Parliament Hill!

    Even though we are growing to 6 rounds over 4 days, the entry fee structure remains exactly the same as our other Ottawa events, which for the 2010 Eastern Ontario Open, generated a nice prize fund of $3300. For those players who register and pay in April, the triple-early discount is a sweet $30!

    N.B. As this tournament occurs after the end of the University school year, travelling players can get great deals to stay in the residences of Carleton University, which is a convenient walking distance from the playing site. It is not right next door, but really is close enough, and includes free breakfasts!
    Another option to consider is our own growing chess bed-and-breakfast system. The standard rate will be $30 per person per night. If you are interested in hosting your bed-and-breakfast, please email me to be included on a confidential list. If a travelling player asks to be billeted, I will BCC you their email address, and some relevant info about them, and you can decide on your own if you would like to extend the offer. There is no obligation to host anyone.

    Yours in chess,

    Aris Marghetis, FIDE Arbiter
    Organizer/TD, EOCA President
    arismarghetis at rogers dot com

    Please note that we are looking for up to 4 floater players :
    - floater players help the TD guarantee no “forced byes”
    - floater players are paired and rated like all the players
    - floater players play for free, but under some conditions :
    ----- they play in 0 to 6 rounds, depending on byes by all the players
    ----- they can be phoned/texted in the hour before every single round
    ----- they have a current CFC membership by the time of first pairings
    If you are interested in being a floater player for this event, please apply by email