Budapest Chess News May 2012

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  • Budapest Chess News May 2012

    The May issue is now available from

    GM Spraggett's blog will be updated soon for a link soon too.

    This issue includes

    Games of the Month(New Feature)
    Some great games were played in the European Championship
    (a)Best Attack
    Naiditsch played a beautiful game Spanish 6.d3 game featuring a subtle buildup to get his pieces in play and an attack that exploited black's distant queenside pieces.
    (b)Best Strategic Achievement
    Istratescu's effort in the French Winawer 6...Qa5-8.Qb1(C18) featured a thematic regrouping and a nice counterattack The h5-h6 idea backfired on white as it was black who gained play on the g-file as opposed to white on the h-file.
    (c)Best Technical Ending
    Volokitin 's effort in a Sicilian 4.Qxd4(B53) was a model positional RB-RB,R-R ending featuring pawn management and play with a better pawn structure. Black's initial advantage can only be described as microscopic

    Hungarian News
    -Torokves RR A Group 9 rounds (G/120):The April version of the Torokves tournaments consisted of 2 round robins and a small open. The entry fee for the RR A group for me was a modest 5,500 HUF (25CAD/25USD/19.4EUR). In round 7, Palla moved into a share of first place with me with 5/7. There are 2 rounds to play.
    -Rakomentes Open(G/90): Szepes, Tamas(FIDE 2194) won clear first with 5/6. My club sponsored this tournament at held at our home site. The entry fee for FIDE 2000+ players net of team discount was a super bargain at 1,100HUF(5CAN/5.1USD/4EUR).
    -Caissa GM March 2012: Battey,A(USA) got a great result with a share of first with Ashwin,J and Groszpeter,A. scoring 5.5/9. Kislik,E(USA) scored 4/9. Kislik and Battey are USA players living in Hungary for chess. Kislik recently obtained the IM title.
    -28th Budapest Spring Festival 2012: Local powerhouse IM Galyas,M won on tiebreaks with 7/9

    Please note the entry fee range for Hungarian tournaments
    -Torokves A group 5,500HUF (25CAD/25USD/19.4EUR) with modest prizes
    -Rakomentes Open 1,100HUF(5CAD/5.1USD/4EUR) with modest prizes
    -For comparision purposes First Saturday(FS) charges 200EUR/259CAD/262USD for FIDE 1600 to play in a no prize non-norm RR. Hungarian players get the standard price of 12,000HUF(42EUR/56CAN/56USD) which can be negotiated lower. (The differential pricing is standard practice for FS and catches most tourists off their guard.)

    International News
    Hungarians were playing as far as Australia, Bulgaria, Spain, Malaysia and Ireland. The big event was the EICC championship in Bulgaria.

    -EICC: Dmitry Jakovenko won with 8.5/11. A large group of Hungarian players attended. Top scorers were,
    • Berkes, Ferenc and Balogh, Csaba 7.5
    • Ruck R 6.5
    • Erdos V; Rapport R; Papp Gabor and Fodor T 6
    • Banusz T; Pap Gyula and Antal T 5.5
    • Schneider V 4

    -O2C Doeberl Cup 2012: Canberra AUS: Adam Horvath(HUN) edged out Gergely Szabo, Levente Vajda and K Rathnakaran after all scored 7/9. Czebe Attila(HUN) got 6/9.
    -e2e4 Dublin International 2012:Mark Hebden(GM) took clear first on 7.5/9. Nemeth, Miklos(IM) scored 5.5/9
    -Sydney International Open: Levente Vajda took clear first with 7.5/9. Hungarian GMs Czebe,A got 7/9 and Horvath,A got 6.5/9.
    -Melaka Open MAS 23rd Apr 2012 - 30th Apr 2012:GM Czebe won with 7/9 in Malaysia.
    -Montalvo Open Las Palmas ESP: Salvador Del Rio De Angelis won on tie-breaks with 7/9. Hungarian IMs Gergacz Attila and Pataki Gyozo scored 6/9

    Canadian Corner
    Gerzhoy played in a GM-norm tournament in St-Louis while Nakamura came to win the Grand Pacific Open

    -Grunfeld games from TWIC 905-908: Most of the action is from the EICC Plovdiv and the Reykjavik Open. White is getting nowhere with traditional Grunfeld lines. The most promising try is 3.f3 as white has a complex game from the traditional response 3...d5.
    -EICC opening survey: A breakdown of important games by
    (a)Closed games
    (b)Semi-Closed games
    (c)Open games
    (d)Semi-open games Sicilian
    (e)Semi-open games Other
    (f)Flank openings
    -Petroff Defence/Russian Defence(C42-43): A detailed review of repertoire games of Gelfand, Kramnik and Karpov with a view to giving a solid repertoire for black.

    Sorry for the delay for this issue as I am in a tournament now finishing May 6. Hope everyone enjoys the issue.