WYCC 2012 - Photos Available

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  • WYCC 2012 - Photos Available

    Hi Everyone,

    Thank you all for your encouraging words and for supporting Team Canada.

    All our Canadian kids are working really hard and doing their best. Please continue to send your words of encouragement our way -- win, lose, or draw!

    We are posting photos on our Team Canada at WYCC 2012 FaceBook page:

    So that one and all can visually join the excitement here in Maribor, Slovenia!

    The Photo Team of Zhixiang Wang, George Zhou, and yours truly are capturing some great pics even under the tight restrictions of "players only" in the tournament halls. After some negotiations, we were given permission to do photos (with no flash) for "5 minutes" -- and really got a work out running around to find as many Canadian shirts/flags before being "kicked out" of the two halls (and one is a BIG hall!).

    We have posted some pics already and are in the process of posting more. Please continue to visit our Team Canada FB page for updates and leave your words of encouragement for the ENTIRE Team Canada.

    PS: Special thanks to those who have sent private messages and public posting of congratulations to the Doknjas Boys -- at every tournament, each point is hard fought, some are lost inexplicably, some are reluctantly accepted as draws; but today, at the World's, was nice for one and all.
    Last edited by Victoria Jung-Doknjas; Friday, 9th November, 2012, 09:19 PM.