BCN Dec 13 posts

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  • BCN Dec 13 posts

    -Berkes,F (2685) - Kovacevic,A (2549)
    Queen’s Indian 7.Bd2 Bf6[E17]
    TCh-HUN 2012–13 Paks HUN (5), 02.12.2012
    Subtle endgame play

    -Schandorff proposes the Saemisch against the King's Indian but black can transpose into a Maroczy Bind. The repertoire plan revolves around game #24 where in the main line, Schandorff goes against common practice and proposes trading dark bishops for an attack.

    Here is the key game.
    Moiseenko,A (2715) - Guseinov,G (2625)
    Maroczy Bind via King’s Indian[E81]
    8th World Teams Ningbo CHN (5), 21.07.2011

    -GM Master Class BB-BN ending
    Potkin,V (2663) - Gonda,L (2528)
    4.e3 g6 Schlecter Slav[D10]
    Bundesliga 2012–13 Baden Baden GER (6), 09.12.2012
    A fabulous example of technical play.