17th man

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  • 17th man

    I find it rather interesting just how important the 17th man, that is the clock, is to some chess players. Those with a propensity for getting into zeitnot are generally left floundering in tournaments/clubs that don't employ time increments.

    A prime example from our own ACC club is Harmony Zhu (1595). This recently turned 7-year-old is invariably one of the last games to finish in our U1900 Section and is generally still pushing the pieces long after 11 p.m. every Monday night. Since the ACC does use 30-second increments, Harmony fares well enough in these late evening games. Indeed, her average TPR at the club since her breakout Hart House tournament is 1740 (1645, 1637 and, most recently, 1939). This compares favourable, almost spot on, with her 2 Hart House tournaments, which, of course, also use time increments, where she's put together TPRs of 1726 and 1723.

    However, her 2 TPRs at the SCC (Scarborough Chess Club) which does NOT use any kind of time increment, in this same time frame are roughly 350 points lower (i.e. 1378 on average). Clearly, Harmony, at least to date, is not the same player at the SCC that she is either at the ACC or Hart House.