Tim Horton's Boycott

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  • Tim Horton's Boycott

    I am serious. I hereby resolve to stop doing any kind of business with Tim Horton's until they end the practice of allowing people to hold the door open for me when I want a coffee. I don't care whether there is someone holding the door or not. This practice is wrong on at least two counts...

    It interferes with my preferred way of doing business, by forcing me to accept a service I do not want. I get up in the morning, I'm usually grumpy until I get my first cuppa. The last thing I want is some snivelleng little punk goof loser stepping up "Good morning sir, enjoy your coffee. Particularly galling is when the little punk, a regular at my local, steps to the door while I am already inside. I can't even avoid it, I am trapped!

    These people are putting themselves at risk. I know a guy who had his arm broken badly by someone in a bad mood while doing it at a 7-11.

    I realize that people have to eat, but this is too much. WTF??? Do these guys think they are performing some kind of useful service for which they are entitled for some pay?? If you wanna panhandle, then do it, but it is so wrong to do it by getting in my way. It is worse than panhandling, and I will have no part of it.

    I expect that most people don't care enough to do without their Timmy's, but hopefully some will be with me. If so, spread the word.

    If it doesn't work, I'll talk to a litigation attorney.

    Thank you.