Feedback - Chess Tournament Barrie

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  • Feedback - Chess Tournament Barrie

    I would just like to get a general idea on how many players would be willing to travel to Barrie (only an hour north of Toronto) for a rated CFC tournament? Also, could anybody give me an idea of the prize fund necessary to attract some high rated titled players?

    There a few really good TDs in the Barrie area who have plenty of experience but have held off on CFC tournaments because it is believed that there would be a lack of interest. Barrie would also provide a great venue for the tournamnt with Georgian College which has been used by the Simcoe County Chess Club for grassroot tournaments in the past.

    I assume that if players are willing to tavel to Ottawa then they would be willing to travel to Barrie without much hesitation as well.

    Any feedback will be appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: Feedback - Chess Tournament Barrie

    Hi Michael,

    It is great to see some interest in organizing a CFC tournament in Barrie. I can't recall the last time Barrie held a CFC tournament. You have a huge market of players just down the 400.

    I would look at the ProAm tournaments in Guelph. Guelph is about the same 1 hour drive from Toronto. That will give you an excellent list of Toronto players willing to travel. Perhaps Hal Bond would share his secrets with you about attracting top players.

    Most TD's hedge their bets about prize funds by promising say 75% of entries returned in prizes or Prize fund = Entry fees less expenses. Offering discount or fee entry for top players in commonplace.

    Two most important things are:

    Don't pick a weekend that conflicts with another tournament.
    Get the word out.

    Good luck and get those other reluctant Barrie area TD's to help you.


    • #3
      Re: Feedback - Chess Tournament Barrie

      Run it in the spring, summer or fall Barrie is a death wish in the winter. My sister lives there. So I may have a place to camp out.

      Ms. McCooey runs two Active tournaments a year up in your neck of the woods maybe you know her?

      I'd suggest June or July as we have very few tournaments those months.
      I'm running a John Allan Howard Memorial July17-19 /09 so if you choose that weekend I won't be able to attend.
      I have some friends in Midland that are always looking for events so they may be at your event.

      Just make the Open Prize big enough to make it worth their while to travel up to Barrie and you'll get the rest to follow. If you choose a summer event you'll get lots of juniors as they are off school.


      • #4
        Re: Feedback - Chess Tournament Barrie

        Originally posted by Michael Zaghi View Post
        I would just like to get a general idea on how many players would be willing to travel to Barrie (only an hour north of Toronto) for a rated CFC tournament? Also, could anybody give me an idea of the prize fund necessary to attract some high rated titled players?

        There a few really good TDs in the Barrie area who have plenty of experience but have held off on CFC tournaments because it is believed that there would be a lack of interest. Barrie would also provide a great venue for the tournamnt with Georgian College which has been used by the Simcoe County Chess Club for grassroot tournaments in the past.

        I assume that if players are willing to tavel to Ottawa then they would be willing to travel to Barrie without much hesitation as well.

        Any feedback will be appreciated.
        Hi Michael! There are bunch of CFC players in the Grey-Bruce area itching for a relatively close tournament. KW is the closest and Barrie is a little closer (or maybe it just seems closer) :) Let us know!


        • #5
          Re: Feedback - Chess Tournament Barrie

          Hi Michael:

          There is a small new chess club in Orillia and they might be interested.



          • #6
            Re: Feedback - Chess Tournament Barrie

            Thanks for the postive feedback,

            From what I have heard there used to be a regular CFC tournament some years ago in Barrie (before my time). However, the TD (im not sure who) was accused of hoarding money and as a result the players complained, putting an end to the yearly tournaments.

            The TD I mentioned in my previous post is Ms. McCooey, and in a recent e-mail I believe she mentioned that a CFC tournament is possible however, she was under the impression that chess players in the GTA already have chess tournaments in their back yard so to speak. Though through this feedback im sure she would be happy to organize a tournament in June or July as suggested. A tournament format similar to the Guelph ProAm (a great tournament) would also probably be best.

            I myself have little practical chess experience let alone directing tournaments, so my involvement would probably be fairly minimal. Usually Yuri Lebedev comes up from Toronto to help Mary for the grassroots tournaments so he would most likely be willing to attend as well. Either way I hope that this tournament goes ahead and I am willing to volunteer as much time necessary to ensure that it does. I will forward an e-mail to Ms. McCooey regarding the tournament sometime soon.

            On a side note, Bob do you have any information on this new chess club in Orillia, for example club tournament dates etc.? I would be willing to drive up on occasion since im only an hour away in Barrie.


            • #7
              Re: Feedback - Chess Tournament Barrie

              Hi Michael:

              Send me an e-mail ( ) & I'll put you in contact with the organizer.



              • #8
                Re: Feedback - Chess Tournament Barrie

                any news? if you do run a Barrie CFC-rated tournament, be sure to let us know!

