How to improve Chess Talk

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  • How to improve Chess Talk

    It seems to me that rather then dwelling on the mechanics of the web page, what would really improve this site is an influx of new posters. How about recruiting some people at the next Canadian Open? It wouldn't hurt to get some dialog on chess games and positions, for example. This could be facilitated if there was a ready made diagram available at the click of a mouse. I imagine some of our GMs would be happy to comment on some games once a dialog were established. I have always found some of the world's top players were only too happy to participate in chess discussions when approached personally - eg Boris Spassky, Bent Larsen in the original Chess Canada (Masters" Forum)!
    Last edited by Vlad Dobrich; Thursday, 19th June, 2008, 06:21 PM.

  • #2
    Re: How to improve Chess Talk

    Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
    I imagine some of our GMs would be happy to comment on some games once a dialog were established. I have always found some of the world's top players were only too happy to participate in chess discussions when approached personally - eg Boris Spassky, Bent Larsen in the original Chess Canada (Masters" Forum)!
    Nigel Short comments on periodically, so finding some masters willing to discuss may not be as hard as some would think.


    • #3
      Re: How to improve Chess Talk

      If this site could be made more "chess friendly", then it would win over the doubters.


      • #4
        Re: How to improve Chess Talk

        Not sure what you mean by "chess friendly". Can you explain a bit.

        As I have said before, I prefer the old site, I like the simplicity. To me, that is an advantage. I am not really interested in the bells and whistles this site has to offer. What it boils down to, for me, is I just want to read peoples posts, nothing more. Fast and simple. I'm a simple kind of guy. I don't live or die by chesstalk.

        The new site has many advantages that I will likely never realize. I will just have to get use to the few extra clicks it will take to read the posts. Not a big deal. I don't really care. Its much ado about nothin.

        Onward and upward.


        • #5
          Re: How to improve Chess Talk

          I think Mr. Harper refers to the fact that ChessTalk is more of a place to discuss chess politics rather than actually discussing chess.


          • #6
            Re: How to improve Chess Talk

            If you want to discuss chess instead of chess politics, may I recommend Ordinary players (including several from the Toronto area) post their games with analysis. Others can add comments as well. Sometimes people post games from GM tournaments as well for analysis & discussion.


            • #7
              Re: How to improve Chess Talk

              Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
              (...) This could be facilitated if there was a ready made diagram available at the click of a mouse.
              I agree 100 %.

              I don't understand why we should FIRST go to another site...


              to make a diagram, copy it, AND THEN come on Chesstalk to paste it.

              If a pool were made on that issue, my guess is that nobody would be against your idea. Some don't need to post diagrams but they most likely would not vote against that tool for those who would appreciate it.


              • #8
                Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                Originally posted by Jean-Pierre Rhéaume View Post
                I don't understand why we should FIRST go to another site
                Try to learn FEN. You would need only to type it ;)
                or use ChessbaseLight.


                • #9
                  Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                  What I meant by "chess friendly" is built-in access to a diagram maker or some way to easily post games, with diagrams, so that chess can be discussed.

                  I don't have a problem with discussing chess "politics" either - why not (especially if the CFC pays attention)? But sometimes chess itself can also be interesting. Having a board and chess pieces to put on it, rather than 50 smilies, would be a lot more useful...


                  • #10
                    Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                    Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                    Try to learn FEN. You would need only to type it ;)
                    or use ChessbaseLight.
                    One must also think to help new comers on the site, and many of them probably know nothing about the FEN code. Bref, I don't think it would be a nice thing to force people to learn FEN, or ChessbaseLight, or whatever.


                    • #11
                      Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                      Originally posted by Jean-Pierre Rhéaume View Post
                      One must also think to help new comers on the site, and many of them probably know nothing about the FEN code. Bref, I don't think it would be a nice thing to force people to learn FEN, or ChessbaseLight, or whatever.
                      Then you need to push Chris to implement more drums and whistles :)

                      I would be willing to see a PGN viewer like at


                      • #12
                        Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                        Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                        Then you need to push Chris to implement more drums and whistles :)

                        I would be willing to see a PGN viewer like at
                        The ability to add that sort of PGN viewer on a forum of this type is precisely the kind of versatility that I'm talking about that makes this forum better than the other one.

                        There's no reason why Chris (Is he the Admin?) can't add a "Chess Analysis" forum in addition to the existing Chess Talk forum.


                        • #13
                          Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                          Originally posted by Luke Peristy View Post
                          Chris (Is he the Admin?)

                          Guess, what stands for "1" in the link ;)


                          • #14
                            Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                            All these ideas are very interesting. The emphasis of my original was on recruiting more posters but looks like the built in diagram idea drew more interest!


                            • #15
                              Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                              If there was a pgn viewer/diagram maker that was intuitive and easy to use (existing, not just talked about!), I would definite switch my vote to this forum.

