McKay -- Dixon, Kingston 2013: nice combination!

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  • McKay -- Dixon, Kingston 2013: nice combination!

    Here is a nice combination, not extremely difficult, but with some intricate features, for your enjoyment! :)
    Geoff McKay -- Frank Dixon, Kingston G/30, April 16, 2013.
    W (11 pieces): Kc1, Qe2, Rd2, Re3, Nc3, a3, b2, e4, f3, g3, h4.
    B: (9 pieces): Kg8, Qb5, Rc5, Rc8, Ba2, a6, f6, g7, h7.
    From a Sicilian Defence, Black sacrificed two pawns to generate attacking chances. His pieces are actively posted, but it's a tricky position, while White's defenses seem adequate, but are they!? The pin on the N/c3 by the doubled rooks is a key feature, since this knight attacks both Black's Q/b5 and Ba2, and Black's Queen is under further attack after White's last move, 1.Qe2. Can Black break through, and is this the right time!?
    Black to play and win.
    1...Rxc3+! 2.Rxc3 (2.bxc3 Qb1#) Rxc3+ 3.Kd1
    OK, so Black has won a piece, but this position, while better for Black, is not yet won, since lots of material remains, and White has two pawns for the piece. Time to find the right sequence, and get Black's pieces to cooperate optimally, to complete the combination and win the game!
    3...Bb3+ 4.Ke1 Rc1+ 5.Kf2 Qc5+ 6.Kg2 Qg1+ 7.Kh3 Bc4! 8.Qh2 (8.Qg2 Bf1) Bf1+ 9.Rg2 Qxg2+ 0-1. :)