interesting articles from Northwest Chess

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  • interesting articles from Northwest Chess

    Interesting articles from NorthWest Chess are posted on under: General Chess Discussion. I really enjoyed Yasser Seirawan's accounts of his first international chess adventures. Interesting reading for any youth tournament players. Make's todays travels and international tournaments seem like a piece of cake in comparison. Good Canadian content too. Speaking of which how is Eric Hansen doing in Aeroflot? Lots of commentary on Ray Robson - who is having an amazing tournament.

  • #2
    Re: interesting articles from Northwest Chess

    The March 2009 Northwest Chess has an interesting photo and games of the legendary Viktors Pupols (who is still going strong after all these years) immortalized in the famous poem in the Suttles collection of books "Chess on the Edge". Can be found at:


    • #3
      Re: interesting articles from Northwest Chess

      actually what I found interesting from your link was the USCF politics forum and the amount of aminosity towards Goichberg with petty conspiracy theory like accusations. This for a man who has organized more tournaments for more people than pretty much anybody I can think of. You just can't win.


      • #4
        Re: interesting articles from Northwest Chess

        I might get blasted for this but that (political infighting and target practice against respected individuals) seems prevalent on alot of chess sites. Actually two other sites where I find the chess content interesting I dont spend much time at for that reason. I try to ignore chess politics and concentrate on my passions and things in chess I find interesting.

