Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

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  • #16
    Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

    Originally posted by Nigel Hanrahan View Post
    OK, if Ben isn't going to get banned for mock racism then it hardly seems fair to ban Ken for his remarks. Perhaps, Gary, you were just yanking my chain? :D
    I didn't suggest banning Ken. I'd never do that.

    I was only suggesting banning Ben's comment some have seen to be racist. The racial superiority comment was certainly pushing the envelope. I can't think of any sector of society in which it would be appropriate.
    Gary Ruben
    CC - IA and SIM


    • #17
      Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

      Mock racism is in a grey area. And it seems to me that Ben's remarks were not to be taken seriously. I think it's more useful to draw attention to something like this, in the grey area, talk about it a bit, and move on. If Ben, or anyone else for that matter, made an annoying habit of such remarks, then something more could be done.
      Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


      • #18
        Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

        Probably, Ben doesn't distinguish Bulgarians from Ukrainians?


        • #19
          Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

          Whatever, since reading these posts, I've had a craving for a meal of Cabbage rolls, Perorgies (the home made ones) and cold Borscht (as opposed to hot borscht).

          Gary Ruben
          CC - IA and SIM


          • #20
            Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

            Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
            Whatever, since reading these posts, I've had a craving for a meal of Cabbage rolls, Perorgies (the home made ones) and cold Borscht (as opposed to hot borscht).

            That's right. Perorgies, cabbage rolls or cold/hot borscht are good for every occasion. You can't regret that. No doubts.


            • #21
              Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

              Originally posted by Caesar Posylek View Post
              That's right. Perorgies, cabbage rolls or cold/hot borscht are good for every occasion.
              Cold borscht (šaltibarščiai in Lithuanian) are best appreciated in hot summer ;)


              • #22
                Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

                My "Ban Ben!!!!" was in fun, Gary. It would have been "Ban Ben!" but you can't post under 10 characters.

                To be serious though, I have several times had to ask Ben to stop using the offensive "r word" I'm not sure he realizes how hurtful it can be.


                • #23
                  Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

                  Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
                  My "Ban Ben!!!!" was in fun, Gary. It would have been "Ban Ben!" but you can't post under 10 characters.

                  To be serious though, I have several times had to ask Ben to stop using the offensive "r word" I'm not sure he realizes how hurtful it can be.
                  I figured it was in fun so replied with a light hearted comment.

                  Sometimes words which people used to be careful with enter the popular vocabulary. Maybe it shouldn't happen but it does. Probably the most we can do is look at the source of the comment and make allowances.

                  One guy who should know better got on awhile back about my health and called me "frail". That's only half the story. The other half is that if I live another 20 years I'll be even more frail.

                  It's only words and that most people don't join in and echo the comments speaks for itself.
                  Gary Ruben
                  CC - IA and SIM


                  • #24
                    Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

                    I can only hope that Anand completely dominates Topolov. Anand is a class act and worthy as a representative to chess


                    • #25
                      Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

                      Originally posted by Jason Lohner View Post
                      I can only hope that Anand completely dominates Topolov.
                      I do not think that one of them is by one or more levels better than other.


                      • #26
                        Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

                        Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                        I do not think that one of them is by one or more levels better than other.
                        I agree with you, but I did say I was hoping :)

                        I can't help but like V.Anand. He is such a great ambassador for the game and It would be a shame for him to lose his title... But if anyone has a chance at that it is Topolov.


                        • #27
                          Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

                          Not to drag up old skeletal cans, or however the expression goes, but I forgot to defend my honour, and so I will now whilst listening to the funky musical stylings of Abbotsford's own Shiloh.

                          Originally posted by Stephen Wright View Post
                          Ukrainian? Topalov was playing in his country's capital city ...
                          To quote Don Cherry, "Same thing."*

                          Originally posted by Luke Peristy View Post
                          Topalov is Bulgarian. Ukrainians also eat perogies and cabbage rolls in addition to cold soup.
                          Seriously (yeah, right!), though, while Ukrainian and Bulgarian may be different nationalities, they're part of the same race. I said "racially" superior, not "nationally" superior. National superiority? C'mon, I'm not some sort of bigot.

                          Originally posted by Nigel Hanrahan View Post
                          I've received at least one complaint about your mock racism, Ben. Some discussion boards ban such mock racism for obvious reasons; as far as I know this board has no such ban ... yet.
                          If the complainer understood it as "mock" racism, then why did he complain? To cause a ruckus? To carry out a vendetta against me? Perhaps they covet a spot on the top-ten most posts list and want me out of the way? Regardless, okay, I will no longer remark wittily about race, rousing ubiquitous applause and unifying historically hostile ethnic groups in the process.

                          Truthfully, though, it's not even possible for me to be racist, as I'm biracial. You know how these things work. In the same manner that female-only scholarships aren't sexist, and all heterosexual politicians who fail to attend gay pride parades are hate-filled homophobes, any seemingly "racist" comment I make about Northern Europeans - which would undoubtedly be labeled racist were a Northern European to make an equivalent comment towards my people - is merely a case of me "expressing myself" or "regaining my autonomy" or some other inane, idiotic jargon.

                          Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
                          Ban Ben!!!!
                          Now, that's about what I'm talking. We need more discussion on whether I'm a childish git who deserves to be banned or a brilliant satirist who deserves to be lauded. But I am inclined to ask you, faceless masses, why can it not be both?!

                          Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
                          I like Ben.
                          I dislike you, liberal.

                          Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
                          The racial superiority comment was certainly pushing the envelope. I can't think of any sector of society in which it would be appropriate.
                          First, the stand-up comedy sector of society. Have you ever seen Emo Philips? Man, that guy says all sorts of things. Good times. Second, trillions of other sectors of societies. It wasn't a serious comment. My mind is still boggled by the fact that someone complained. It's straight up boggled, Ruben.

                          Originally posted by Caesar Posylek View Post
                          Probably, Ben doesn't distinguish Bulgarians from Ukrainians?
                          Correct. How many countries are there these days? A lot, at least. You may be surprised (or you may not be - it's a mystery) to learn that this is why I have developed my own world map that labels countries solely as they relate to me. I suggest that everyone do the same. My map:

                          As can clearly be seen, both Ukraine and Bulgaria fall under "Greater Russia". One nation, undivided.

                          Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
                          To be serious though, I have several times had to ask Ben to stop using the offensive "r word" I'm not sure he realizes how hurtful it can be.
                          Do you see me dropping r-bombs on innocent citizens? No, you do not. I have curtailed my use of soul-searing hate speech and replaced it with incessant sardonic verbosity. It was a lateral movement, at best, but it seems to keep the critics at bay.

                          *Chill out, adoring public. It's a Don Cherry quote. No one quotes Don Cherry seriously. Unless I do.
                          everytime it hurts, it hurts just like the first (and then you cry till there's no more tears)


                          • #28
                            Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

                            Originally posted by ben daswani View Post

                            I dislike you, liberal.
                            I'm not a liberal. I'm an NDPer who found capitalism.

                            I don't dislike people who make me laugh and you qualify on that criteria.

                            I hope Anand doesn't fold like a cheap suitcase.
                            Gary Ruben
                            CC - IA and SIM


                            • #29
                              Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

                              Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
                              I'm not a liberal. I'm an NDPer who found capitalism.

                              I don't dislike people who make me laugh and you qualify on that criteria.

                              I hope Anand doesn't fold like a cheap suitcase.
                              an NDP'er who found capitalism? isnt that like a JW who believes in blood transfusions? (not intended as a slight to JW's). Say that at a NDP convention is libel to get you burnt at the stake!... but isn't that what a liberal is? an NDP'er who found capitalism? hehe its like an NDP'er in slow motion... :)

                              But then again how can you take anything seriously from someone who quotes don cherry!

                              back to the topic, I'm really looking forward to this match, and I certainly hope that Anand crushes Topolov.


                              • #30
                                Re: Topalov Wins. Next Stop Anand.

                                Originally posted by Jason Lohner View Post
                                an NDP'er who found capitalism? isnt that like a JW who believes in blood transfusions? (not intended as a slight to JW's). Say that at a NDP convention is libel to get you burnt at the stake!... but isn't that what a liberal is? an NDP'er who found capitalism? hehe its like an NDP'er in slow motion... :)
                                I'm not really up on BC politics but didn't many Socreds move smoothly to the Liberal party after their party collapsed? In Ottawa there is currently the Conservatives and their Liberal supporters. :)

                                I think you're trying to get me to comment on something which is a hot button in B.C. Medical treatment for kids.

                                Don't care who wins the WC. FIDE Champion doesn't seem to be a long term proposition for anyone in recent years.
                                Gary Ruben
                                CC - IA and SIM

