In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

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  • In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

    Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli was killed by mortar fire from Ukrainian government troops this past weekend. This is the first known journalist casualty from the junta in Kiev. A translator was also killed in the mortar attack. One of the two bodies recovered was decapitated.

    Rocchelli killed by mortar fire from Ukrainian government troops

    No word yet on whether Garry Kasparov will condemn this death as, up to now, he has been strongly supporting the junta in Kiev and even called for NATO troops to intervene in Ukraine.
    Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.

  • #2
    Re: In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

    I'm not sure you can call them a junta anymore. They apparently won the election with Canadian observers part of the election process and the news reports are that Putin has accepted the results whatever that implies.


    • #3
      Re: In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

      I take it based on your post, that you are in favor of Russian nationalists attempting to force separation.

      While I believe that persons have the right to determine their own political futures, the methods chosen here are not acceptable. People are using force to impose their wills on others. As far as I can tell, the groups calling for separation struck first. Instead they should be looking at Canada and the former Chechoslovakia as models on how to determine whether or not to break a country apart.


      • #4
        Re: In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

        Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
        I take it based on your post, that you are in favor of Russian nationalists attempting to force separation.

        While I believe that persons have the right to determine their own political futures, the methods chosen here are not acceptable. People are using force to impose their wills on others. As far as I can tell, the groups calling for separation struck first. Instead they should be looking at Canada and the former Chechoslovakia as models on how to determine whether or not to break a country apart.
        Its not clear if you are talking to me or Nigel. I was talking about the Ukrainian election that elected Poroshenko as the new president and not the "vote" in Crimea.


        • #5
          Re: In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

          Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
          Its not clear if you are talking to me or Nigel. I was talking about the Ukrainian election that elected Poroshenko as the new president and not the "vote" in Crimea.

          If people here are really interested to understand how Russia is behind the scene behaving in Ukraine they should read this:
          "Terrorists have made several attempts to break through the state border of Ukraine in Luhansk region.
          These started with the fact that on May, 21, in the evening (at 10 p.m.), the border patrol of “Krasnodon” border guard division detected 3 trucks (“Kamaz”) accompanied by car(“Nyva”) which were trying to enter Ukraine from Russian Federation. They failed to respond the border guards’ demand to stop and the fire warning shots into the air, and attempted to break through into the territory of Ukraine. Only after the border guards started the destructive fire, those vehicles had turned back to Russian territory.
          Russian side was officially informed (via border-representative communications channels) on the fact that it was the fourth case of vehicles passing from Russian Federation freely and stopped by Ukrainian border guards.
          Later on the same day (at 11 p.m.), the group of 30 people armed with automatic weapon, including auto-machine gun, drove to “Stanychno-Luhanske” border guard division and delivered an ultimatum - to lay the arms down and to vacate the premises of the border unit. That was strongly denied to them.
          Past midnight, after being reinforced the gunmen started assault using automatic rifles, auto-machine guns, grenade launchers and hand grenades. Border guards were shoot by snipers located in neighbor buildings. The combat action lasted one hour and a half. Border guards have defeated three attacks against their unit and forced the attackers to withdraw. But the unit is still being surrounded by snipers. During the battle, border guards using grenades have destroyed two snipers’ firing points. They also damaged the road roller that was used by attackers to break through the unit’s gates. In fact, there are those who were injured and contused among the border guards.
          To respond adequately the strong aggravation of situation at the area of “Stanychno-Luhanske” border guard division, the border reserve forces are moved up; the Anti-terrorist Operation command staff and cooperating law enforcement bodies were informed; joint actions to wipe out terrorists are being planned".
          The sourse: And somebody here is criticizing Gary Kasparov for asking NATO (Canada is still a Member) to help Ukraine! What a shame...


          • #6
            Re: In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

            Interesting. Rocchelli did not merit a single word from the commentators here. Incidentally, he might be called one of Kasparov's colleagues over at the Wall Street Journal since both worked for that paper, off and on; so much for journalistic "solidarity" from the opposition candidate for FIDE President.


            The claim is being made here that a regime that kills reporters covering the election with mortar fire is "legitimate". Millions of voters boycotted the election, many candidates have been intimidated out of running, and reporters trying to do their job are set up with mortar fire. Let freedom reign! Yeah, right.

            Westerners who thought the ethnic Russians in southern and eastern Ukraine were simply "Russians" are going to be puzzled; if they're Russians, why isn't Putin supporting them? He has his own fish to fry, and workers and miners who try to form their own independent governments from Kiev, whether ethnic Russian or not, are no more supported by Russian oligarchs and their representatives than by Ukrainian oligarchs and their representatives. Putin is just as much a conservative as those who denounce him from Kiev, or Brussels, or Ottawa, or Washington. He's just a different brand, like Pepsi versus Coke.
            Last edited by Nigel Hanrahan; Monday, 26th May, 2014, 07:22 PM.
            Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


            • #7
              Re: In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

              Hi Vlad.

              I meant Nigel in my post. Sorry if it wasn't clear.


              • #8
                Re: In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

                Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
                I take it based on your post, that you are in favor of Russian nationalists attempting to force separation.
                Let's be clear - these are ethnic Russians but still Ukrainians by citizenship, just like Tatars are still Ukrainian citizens, etc. And I don't see it that way; the junta in Kiev (now with a fig leaf of electoral legitimacy) passed laws banning the Russian language and has been doing things like carrying out artillery attacks on civilians who dare to protest. The force, such as it is, is mostly from Kiev and their thuggish militias. How many gunmen are traveling to western Ukraine and doing the same horrific things the Kiev regime is doing in southern and eastern Ukraine? How many Kievites or citizens of Lviv have been incinerated in a trade union hall? IMHO, it is outside forces, primarily the sponsors of the regime in Kiev, that have pushed for this ripping apart of the country. They have looked the other way at the openly fascist militias, brought back to life like horrific zombies from WW2, that are part of the very "democratic" government, etc. These ethnically-Russian Ukrainians no longer trust the regime in Kiev. And I doubt whether that will change back; a line of brutality has been crossed with the events in Odessa, Mariupol, and so on, still to this very day.
                Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


                • #9
                  Re: In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

                  Originally posted by nigel hanrahan View Post
                  interesting. Rocchelli did not merit a single word from the commentators here. Incidentally, he might be called one of kasparov's colleagues over at the wall street journal since both worked for that paper, off and on; so much for journalistic "solidarity" from the opposition candidate for fide president.


                  The claim is being made here that a regime that kills reporters covering the election with mortar fire is "legitimate". Millions of voters boycotted the election, many candidates have been intimidated out of running, and reporters trying to do their job are set up with mortar fire. let freedom reign! Yeah, right.

                  Westerners who thought the ethnic russians in southern and eastern ukraine were simply "russians" are going to be puzzled; if they're russians, why isn't putin supporting them? He has his own fish to fry, and workers and miners who try to form their own independent governments from kiev, whether ethnic russian or not, are no more supported by russian oligarchs and their representatives than by ukrainian oligarchs and their representatives. Putin is just as much a conservative as those who denounce him from kiev, or brussels, or ottawa, or washington. He's just a different brand, like pepsi versus coke.
                  it is horrible that this kind of garbage is allowed on this site!


                  • #10
                    Re: In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

                    I thought people posting on Chesstalk had to register with their full name? Would you mind identifying yourself "Nata"?
                    ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                    • #11
                      Re: In Memory of Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli

                      Originally posted by Nata
                      That is my name. I don't play chess; you won't find any profile on me on internet. I come here to find the chess tournaments, events and books for my children. Sometimes my son (who just 11 y.old) is coming here to find this information too.

                      To completely understand what's going in Ukraine you have to be there, you have to live what they lived through. And to use the death of Andrea to show dislike toward Garry Kasparov naming in memory? Any condoles from author?

                      RIP for Andrea and all innocent people who died and still dying in Ukraine. I hope peace will come to Ukraine.
                      Thanks for your reply; good luck finding chess related information (not being sarcastic).

                      I can only agree: "RIP for Andrea and all innocent people who died and still dying in Ukraine. I hope peace will come to Ukraine."
                      ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                      • #12
                        Journalist killed by Ukranian regime along with 100 more 1 day after E-day

                        Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
                        it is horrible that this kind of garbage is allowed on this site!
                        Regurgitating US State Department propaganda doesn't shed any light here: it just shows that the old Soviet regime wasn't the only government whose propaganda was spouted, unthinkingly, by media and its supporters.

                        50 civilians were killed today by sniper fire, artillery, mortar fire, and so on, from the brutal Kiev regime. Are the civilians all terrorists now? How about their children? And what about reporters? Since when is shooting reporters OK? Or is it only OK when the jackboot regime you support does the killing?

                        One day after a BS election a militarist, xenophobic regime kills 50 civilians, and as many fighters. Just imagine if these militarists were from a government that the USA, and its useful idiots, didn't support. The clamorous noise would never stop. Instead, indifferent silence and contempt for a dead journalist doing his job.


                        Supplemental: the newly "elected" regime continues to carry out attacks on civilians and fighters alike. The most recent atrocity was a DIRECT HIT on a school in Slavyansk. Are school kids terrorists now? What is wrong with this brutal regime that our own governments so noisily support?

                        Originally posted by RT
                        “We are simply horrified – you see? Horrified that our 'brave army,' which we pay taxes to maintain, is [doing] nothing else but destroying us. And our president, who must protect the civilian population – he is determined to exterminate us,” a woman working at the damaged school no. 13 told RT’s Ruptly news agency.

                        “For some reason, they think that we here in Slavyansk are all terrorists,” the woman said.
                        Of course, the Kiev regime blamed local "terrorists". Terrorists that bomb their own children? What a despicable lie. The hypocrisy is just unbelievable.
                        Last edited by Nigel Hanrahan; Wednesday, 28th May, 2014, 01:16 PM. Reason: supplemental
                        Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.

