chess, physics , and women

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  • chess, physics , and women

    Worth reading

    "Chess and sports helped to shape Franklin’s youth in Toronto"

    Almost like my wife - had chess classes, studied physics, and works with particles. ( my only with those flying in atmosphere) :)

  • #2
    Re: chess, physics , and women

    Fascinating article, I had never heard of this person before. Another example of how the really successful people (or at least a lot of them) do not seem to follow a linear, conventional life path (i.e. go to local public school, enrol in local university, get 'normal' job with government or big corporation, stay there for the next 40 years).


    • #3
      Re: chess, physics , and women

      She gave an interesting and amusing public lecture on the Higgs Boson at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo back in 2012. These are recorded and her lecture can be found at:

      These Perimeter Institute lectures are usually pretty interesting (check out the one on snow flakes) and you can get free tickets!

