Aurora CC - moves to a new location for whole summer

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  • Aurora CC - moves to a new location for whole summer

    The club will have meetings at St.Andrews church during summer starting this Monday. ( St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 32 Mosley Street, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 1G9 The same location at last year) There will be rapids/blitz for first three meetings (whole schedule at ).

    Last Monday we had a awards ceremony for the Club Championship (pictures were not that great, though posted on the club's facebook account)
    and concluded with a rapid tournament. 26 players chilled out after a long 2-months tournament.
    Hardly got through with 5/5. The TD was angry and through all best players on me: Dave, Sergey (2nd in championship), Mickey (3rd). Crosstable at

  • #2
    Re: Aurora CC - moves to a new location for whole summer

    Monday results:
    Sergey won 5/5. Dave and Arman (one of our youngest kids) 4/5.


    • #3
      Re: Aurora CC - moves to a new location for whole summer

      Tonight - a blitz tournament. 5 min or 3 min plus 2 sec/move - a majority will decide

      Open - a pre-reg list was sorted in to sections and by rating. Check at http://summeropen-2014.aurorachesscl...tered-players/


      • #4
        Re: Aurora CC - moves to a new location for whole summer

        Blitz results:
        We are quite liberal with players joining and leaving a tournament. That's why the crosstable looks holey, and a TD is always a floater :)

