The following has been posted at the Incoming Voting Members AGM:
2014 Governors’ Annual Meeting (July)
Public Relations Coordinator Annual Report ( Non-Executive Officer ) - Bob Armstrong
Bylaw 3 of the CFC Handbook, under Duties of Officers in Section 8C, (now in limbo with continuance) gives the mandate of the Public Relations Coordinator position ( created at the 2010 AGM by me) as:
“ 8C. The Public Relations Coordinator will be responsible for promoting the image of the CFC and for promoting chess generally to the public. As such the Public Relations Coordinator will, among other things:
- deal with mainstream media to promote significant chess news, such as Canadian Chess Champions, a new Canadian GM, major tournaments like the Can. Closed, Canadian Open, Can. Women’s Closed, CYCC, etc., the various benefits accruing from playing chess and other positive aspects of the chess culture. “
Here is the update on activity since the 2013 Annual Meeting (July/13):
1. “News” Items ( on the CFC Facebook page, members’ CFC Chess Chat Forum, and Twitter.) – In mid-May/13, the CFC website introduced the new “on-line newsfeed”, replacing the “Latest News” column which the Public Relations Coordinator had been responsible for. But the PRC still remained responsible for the CFC Facebook page, and the members’ CFC Chess Chat Forum (which is fed into the CFC Twitter account). Duplicate posts are made on each. The PRC postings are entirely separate from the website and the new on-line newsfeed, though we are all keeping up on what the other is doing. There is some modest duplication sometimes, but the duplications are significantly different since my posts are just very short news “blurbs”, while the on-line newsfeed coverage of the same item is much more detailed.
Since July 1, 2013, 131 news item posts have been made. This is an average of a bit less than 3 news posts per week; the rate for 3 quarters was over 4 posts/week; but the quarter including the Christmas Season was somewhat less (a bit of an anomaly), below 3 per week).
2. Press Releases: none issued – there are generally not many chess items that the general mainstream media may consider “news”. So it is not uncommon to have periods with no press release. Local organizers/teachers contacting news media re local juniors, or local adults with a significant achievement, get more response. One was in preparation this past year, and then my computer died because of a virus, and by the time I got up and running, it was no longer timely.
3. Media Contacts: Had a number of contacts re the WCC and directed media re setting up interviews with Canadian chess personalities, and provided general chess background information for articles.
4. CFC Facebook Page (Non-Profit Corporation): CFC has continued incremental building of the site – it was at about 240 “Likes” at the start of July, 2013. “Likes” are chess players (or anyone) who came, viewed the site, liked its content, and gave their stamp of approval by attaching their name to it. It also indicates that they may likely re-visit the site on a somewhat regular basis, to see new posts. As of July 6, 2014, CFC had added 500 new “Likes” – we are at 740 “Likes”! This is about 10 new “Likes” per week over a full year. Over the year, the rate per month steadily increased. It seems more Facebooker’s are finding our CFC FB page. The majority of “Likes” are not CFC tournament players, and many are not CFC members. We are reaching out in the social media to the non-CFC chess-playing public, casual players. We also have some players from other countries as “Likes”, who now follow Canadian chess.
5. Discussion Boards: posted numbers of times on the members’ CFC Chess Chat Forum, and the CMA Chesstalk, answering CFC issues raised.
6. New Media Links: Unfortunately, I must leave 1 problem for the new Public Relations Coordinator. I had to get a new computer after mine died in Oct./13, because a nasty virus killed my computer. Unfortunately, in the transfer of information to my new upgraded system, some of my e-mail directory was lost. And two items that were lost were my Canadian Media Digital/Print E-mail Group, and my Canadian TV/Radio Media e-mail Group. These were the ones I used for issuing Press Releases. I have not been able to rebuild this. So the new PRC will have to start from scratch and re-build their own CFC media e-mail directories for distributing CFC Press Releases.
I drafted the revised Handbook section that instituted the Public Relations Coordinator (upgrading it from Publicity Director – a position that never ever did get a body into it). Then, after it was left vacant for a short time early in the new year, I volunteered to do it on an “interim” basis – I was the first governor dedicated to trying to deal with outside relations for CFC. After an unsuccessful search by the Executive to find a replacement for me, I volunteered to become permanent.
As you know, I did not stand again, after over 5 years as a Governor, to be an Incoming Voting Member for GTCL/Ont. I also find that I do not have time to do the job as a CFC Non-voting member, and so will not be standing again for the position.
I have enjoyed doing the job. I hope I have helped the CFC some, over these past years.
I hope I have done some trailblazing. Much can be done with the position, but that is circumscribed by the volunteer time available, and the time taken by the basics to be done on a regular basis. So I look forward to someone new looking at the position with fresh eyes, and hope for a creative expansion of the activities of the PRC, beyond what I have been able to do.
Good luck to PRC # 2!
I understand that nominations for officers/committees in the Incoming Voting Members AGM are now closed. No one came forward to stand for the 2014-5 Public Relations Coordinator position.
As I understand it, the filling of this position then passes to the executive, who can appoint someone 'til the next AGM.
You can be a CFC member is good standing (now a CFC Non-Voting Member), and hold office in the CFC (you do not have to be a Voting Member).
Having held this position for four years, my term is now over. I decided not to stand for a fifth year. But it seems to me CFC can well use someone in this position. And it would be good to have fresh blood in the position, who could look at it anew.
So I am encouraging CFC Members to consider whether they would volunteer some hours to CFC, by offering to the executive, to be appointed to this position for a year. It is a challenge, and helps keep you well-informed on what is going on inside CFC.
So..........this is sort of my last post as a Voting Member, encouraging ordinary members, that they also can play a role in CFC.
Bob Armstrong (former CFC Public Relations Coordinator)
2014 Governors’ Annual Meeting (July)
Public Relations Coordinator Annual Report ( Non-Executive Officer ) - Bob Armstrong
Bylaw 3 of the CFC Handbook, under Duties of Officers in Section 8C, (now in limbo with continuance) gives the mandate of the Public Relations Coordinator position ( created at the 2010 AGM by me) as:
“ 8C. The Public Relations Coordinator will be responsible for promoting the image of the CFC and for promoting chess generally to the public. As such the Public Relations Coordinator will, among other things:
- deal with mainstream media to promote significant chess news, such as Canadian Chess Champions, a new Canadian GM, major tournaments like the Can. Closed, Canadian Open, Can. Women’s Closed, CYCC, etc., the various benefits accruing from playing chess and other positive aspects of the chess culture. “
Here is the update on activity since the 2013 Annual Meeting (July/13):
1. “News” Items ( on the CFC Facebook page, members’ CFC Chess Chat Forum, and Twitter.) – In mid-May/13, the CFC website introduced the new “on-line newsfeed”, replacing the “Latest News” column which the Public Relations Coordinator had been responsible for. But the PRC still remained responsible for the CFC Facebook page, and the members’ CFC Chess Chat Forum (which is fed into the CFC Twitter account). Duplicate posts are made on each. The PRC postings are entirely separate from the website and the new on-line newsfeed, though we are all keeping up on what the other is doing. There is some modest duplication sometimes, but the duplications are significantly different since my posts are just very short news “blurbs”, while the on-line newsfeed coverage of the same item is much more detailed.
Since July 1, 2013, 131 news item posts have been made. This is an average of a bit less than 3 news posts per week; the rate for 3 quarters was over 4 posts/week; but the quarter including the Christmas Season was somewhat less (a bit of an anomaly), below 3 per week).
2. Press Releases: none issued – there are generally not many chess items that the general mainstream media may consider “news”. So it is not uncommon to have periods with no press release. Local organizers/teachers contacting news media re local juniors, or local adults with a significant achievement, get more response. One was in preparation this past year, and then my computer died because of a virus, and by the time I got up and running, it was no longer timely.
3. Media Contacts: Had a number of contacts re the WCC and directed media re setting up interviews with Canadian chess personalities, and provided general chess background information for articles.
4. CFC Facebook Page (Non-Profit Corporation): CFC has continued incremental building of the site – it was at about 240 “Likes” at the start of July, 2013. “Likes” are chess players (or anyone) who came, viewed the site, liked its content, and gave their stamp of approval by attaching their name to it. It also indicates that they may likely re-visit the site on a somewhat regular basis, to see new posts. As of July 6, 2014, CFC had added 500 new “Likes” – we are at 740 “Likes”! This is about 10 new “Likes” per week over a full year. Over the year, the rate per month steadily increased. It seems more Facebooker’s are finding our CFC FB page. The majority of “Likes” are not CFC tournament players, and many are not CFC members. We are reaching out in the social media to the non-CFC chess-playing public, casual players. We also have some players from other countries as “Likes”, who now follow Canadian chess.
5. Discussion Boards: posted numbers of times on the members’ CFC Chess Chat Forum, and the CMA Chesstalk, answering CFC issues raised.
6. New Media Links: Unfortunately, I must leave 1 problem for the new Public Relations Coordinator. I had to get a new computer after mine died in Oct./13, because a nasty virus killed my computer. Unfortunately, in the transfer of information to my new upgraded system, some of my e-mail directory was lost. And two items that were lost were my Canadian Media Digital/Print E-mail Group, and my Canadian TV/Radio Media e-mail Group. These were the ones I used for issuing Press Releases. I have not been able to rebuild this. So the new PRC will have to start from scratch and re-build their own CFC media e-mail directories for distributing CFC Press Releases.
I drafted the revised Handbook section that instituted the Public Relations Coordinator (upgrading it from Publicity Director – a position that never ever did get a body into it). Then, after it was left vacant for a short time early in the new year, I volunteered to do it on an “interim” basis – I was the first governor dedicated to trying to deal with outside relations for CFC. After an unsuccessful search by the Executive to find a replacement for me, I volunteered to become permanent.
As you know, I did not stand again, after over 5 years as a Governor, to be an Incoming Voting Member for GTCL/Ont. I also find that I do not have time to do the job as a CFC Non-voting member, and so will not be standing again for the position.
I have enjoyed doing the job. I hope I have helped the CFC some, over these past years.
I hope I have done some trailblazing. Much can be done with the position, but that is circumscribed by the volunteer time available, and the time taken by the basics to be done on a regular basis. So I look forward to someone new looking at the position with fresh eyes, and hope for a creative expansion of the activities of the PRC, beyond what I have been able to do.
Good luck to PRC # 2!
I understand that nominations for officers/committees in the Incoming Voting Members AGM are now closed. No one came forward to stand for the 2014-5 Public Relations Coordinator position.
As I understand it, the filling of this position then passes to the executive, who can appoint someone 'til the next AGM.
You can be a CFC member is good standing (now a CFC Non-Voting Member), and hold office in the CFC (you do not have to be a Voting Member).
Having held this position for four years, my term is now over. I decided not to stand for a fifth year. But it seems to me CFC can well use someone in this position. And it would be good to have fresh blood in the position, who could look at it anew.
So I am encouraging CFC Members to consider whether they would volunteer some hours to CFC, by offering to the executive, to be appointed to this position for a year. It is a challenge, and helps keep you well-informed on what is going on inside CFC.
So..........this is sort of my last post as a Voting Member, encouraging ordinary members, that they also can play a role in CFC.
Bob Armstrong (former CFC Public Relations Coordinator)