Rural vs Urban (the gap)

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  • Rural vs Urban (the gap)

    "Scott, the CFC has a program to support local tournaments in remote locations. It dates back to 1978, but for the last 7 years since I have been involved with the CFC, I have never seen anyone apply for a LTIP grant.
    It could mean an easy $75 to support your tournament.
    With all the strings attached, maybe it is not worth the effort. Let us know what you think. Maybe it is time to either update it or eliminate the LTIP.

    Here is the relevant handbook section:

    1404. Local Tournament Incentive Program (LTIP)

    A maximum expenditure of $750.00 per year is authorized for a Local Tournament Incentive Program (LTIP). Half is to be on a first-come first-serve basis, and the other half to be divided in accordance with CFC membership revenue (last fiscal year) by province. As approved by the Executive, under this program small centres (less than 75,000 population (as of 1976 census), and more than 25 miles from a centre with more than 75,000 population), could receive $75 for a weekend open Swiss tournament with the following conditions:

    a) application for assistance received by the CFC Business Office three months before the start of the event (this enables item b);

    b) the event must be advertised in the magazine;

    c) all participants in the event must be CFC members.

    d) if the population of the small centre is above 50,000, it has not had an Open CFC-rated weekend Swiss tournament during the last 12 months.

    e) disbursement of the grant will be as reimbursement for receipts for expenditures made by the organizers for advertizing, playing site rental or any related expense which the business office considers acceptable. [see Motion 90-7; GL, January 1990, p. 3-10]

    All tournaments supported under this program will be signified LTIP in the Coming Events section of the magazine.

    [created by Motion 79-1; GL, July 1978, p. 1, amended by Motion 83-13; September
    1982, p. 1-9, and further amended by Motion 90-7; GL, January 1990, p. 3-10]"

    Thanks Bob for the information.

    For our first tournament we're going to keep it simple. 90% of the participants are unrated. We're being supported by some local businesses.

    $75 doesn't go very far these days. $75 in 1978 = $281 today.
    If the CFC contribution could by adjusted for inflation we might consider doing the extra work.

    The program needs to be updated and perhaps there would be more applicants, more members, more tournaments etc...
    It seems to be that same old rural, urban thing.
    Last edited by Scott Richardson; Friday, 15th August, 2014, 12:59 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Rural vs Urban (the gap)

    And in 1845 $75 was enough to keep Henry David Thoreau decidedly content for a full two years at Walden Pond (:

    Good to see you posting, Scott. If you're going to be attending next year's CYCC in Windsor, we must exchange greetings (:

