Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

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  • Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

    In the Spanish league two Canadian games are ongoing live >>>>>

    Spraggett - Fressinet 2712 France
    Hansen - Delchev 2660 Bulgaria

    Go to >>>>>

  • #2
    Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

    If ChessBomb has the time on the clocks right, then I have to believe Kevin might regret spending 38 minutes on his 12th move. Spotting an elite GM 53 minutes on the clock seldom augers well ):

    At least the 17th man worked to Eric's advantage since Delchev blundered in his zeitnot and threw the win away (:

    And on a non-Canadian note, I'm amused that Giri could not topple Rakhmanov's Scandinavian. Of late, no elite GM seems able to beat the Scandinavian Defence (:


    • #3
      Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

      Upon further reflection, there may well be a Canadian flavour to that Giri - Rakhmanov Scandinavian draw. Rakhmanov played the same opening moves that Kevin Spraggett played in his R1 win against Eric Hansen, playing 4. ...g6 before the subsequent c6, an idea Tiviakov seems to have taken to himself of late. Rakhmanov also followed Kevin's plan of moving his Queen from d6 to b6. Gotta believe Kevin may have been a strong influence here.


      • #4
        Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

        Originally posted by Jack Maguire View Post
        If ChessBomb has the time on the clocks right, then I have to believe Kevin might regret spending 38 minutes on his 12th move. Spotting an elite GM 53 minutes on the clock seldom augers well ):

        At least the 17th man worked to Eric's advantage since Delchev blundered in his zeitnot and threw the win away (:

        And on a non-Canadian note, I'm amused that Giri could not topple Rakhmanov's Scandinavian. Of late, no elite GM seems able to beat the Scandinavian Defence (:

        Jack, what is a chess coach supposed to say about the Scandanavian when teaching kids not to bring their Queen out too early?
        Only the rushing is heard...
        Onward flies the bird.


        • #5
          Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

          Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
          Jack, what is a chess coach supposed to say about the Scandanavian when teaching kids not to bring their Queen out too early?
          They have to say that there are exceptions to the rule and that you have to play the opening very precisely if you wish to get away with breaking this rule in this case. As far as I know the Scandinavian has been scoring very well lately in grandmaster praxis based on what I have been seeing on


          • #6
            Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

            Kevin lost his game and Mark had a draw.


            • #7
              Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

              Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
              They have to say that there are exceptions to the rule and that you have to play the opening very precisely if you wish to get away with breaking this rule in this case.
              I usually go with a quote from Pirates of the Caribbean:



              • #8
                Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

                Some people like playing Pterodactyl's from time to time. An early Qa5.
                Gary Ruben
                CC - IA and SIM


                • #9
                  Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

                  Originally posted by Andrew Peredun View Post
                  I usually go with a quote from Pirates of the Caribbean:

                  Its hard to discuss such nuances with a six or seven year old but yes that is what I tell the ten year olds.


                  • #10
                    Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

                    The final round started much earlier today and both Eric and Kevin have already lost with the White pieces ):


                    • #11
                      Re : Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

                      .....and here's Eric's round by round results for the seven rounds >>>>>>

                      0 - 0 - 0 -1/2 - 1/2 - 1/2 - 0

                      ...... and no, he didn't start by castling queenside :(
                      .......the pain in Spain ..... falls mainly on the brain :)


                      • #12
                        Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

                        Originally posted by Jack Maguire View Post
                        The final round started much earlier today and both Eric and Kevin have already lost with the White pieces ):
                        I prefer to look at it as their opponents having won with the black pieces.

                        They are both playing high boards in a very strong league. It's certainly not a soft event.
                        Gary Ruben
                        CC - IA and SIM


                        • #13
                          Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

                          As to your 1st point, Gary, Black managed to score better than White at this tournament The final tally was a 29% White win rate, a 33% Black win rate, and a 38% draw rate, or 52% to 48% in Black's favour (:

                          As to your 2nd point, yes is was "certainly not a soft event". That said, Eric did play 3 players lower rated than himself and 4 players higher rated, so to score minus 4 is a rather horrific result. I, for one, will simply write it off as just one bad tournament and fully expect Eric to quickly regain all the FIDE points he shed in Spain.


                          • #14
                            Re: Meanwhile.....the Pain in Spain .......

                            Well, there's always different ways to look at things. As an example, if you take the Sinquefield Cup and completely remove Caruana's and his score, the world champion would have only tied for first place. Carlsen finished 3 points behind the leader. So ratings often don't mean a lot.

                            Team disasters were always worse for me than individual disasters. When I disappointed in team events I got down on myself and didn't get over it all that quickly. It's not a good feeling.
                            Gary Ruben
                            CC - IA and SIM

