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  • Tothache's game of the day today, "Tothache", naturally amuses me since it's "The Prophet From Muggensturm" (as Donner called Diemer is his book, 'The King') wielding the White pieces in an 11-move miniature. While I do appreciate the 'Tothache' pun, perhaps a more instructional title might have been 'Poison Skewer' since it's Toth's 7th move, 7. ...Bg4??, skewering Diemer's Queen and Rook, that gives Diemer a winning position. We hear about poison pawns and poison pieces all the time but seldom about poison skewers (:

  • #2
    Re: Tothache

    If you want an intro to sharp tactics and sharp gambits then go through Emil Diemer's games - they deliver a certain kind of inspiration. But dont get carried away or your game might suffer. Also he is an interesting character to read about although after reading about him you might give up on the rest.


    • #3
      Re: Tothache

      Again quoting Donner, Hans:

      Diemer may be a fool, his style of play is not foolish at all but highly instructive! I would recommend this book ('Going for Mate from Move One') by Diemer to anyone who wants to improve his chess. You won't find the secret of the isolated pawn or the bishop pair in it, but you will find something that forms the basis of every chess game: the attack on the king. In this book you will find 300 games in which the enemy king is mated in the most ghastly way. Every chess player must be able to do that before he can even start to think about pawn structure.


      • #4
        Re: Tothache

        Good quote Jack! - and better than what I posted.


        • #5
          Re: Tothache

          The 'game of the day' today at is a rare Diemer draw entitled "Re: Diemer" with lots of insane tactics by both players. I particularly liked Tromsdorff's 32. ...b3! (:

