GTCL 2015 League

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  • GTCL 2015 League

    Hi all,

    Competition starts January 20th. Pairings should be up January 12th or 13th.
    We have so far:

    Willowdale Chess Club
    (2 teams)

    1 - Rabinovich, Alex
    2 - Barron, Michael
    3 - Kimelman, Michael
    4 - Bluvshtein, Ilya
    5 - Starr, Sasha
    6 - Starr, Nava
    7 - Tonakanian, Stephan
    8 - Semyonov, Vladimir
    9 - Chernik, Dmitry
    10 - Strugach, Alexander
    11 - Fradkin, Benjamin
    11 - Tobolovsky, Evgeni
    13 - Cheryachukin, Yury

    GGY Team

    1 - Udrea, Chris
    2 - Krasnosheky, Valery
    3 - Perelstein, Alexander
    4 - Deng, Tony

    Annex Chess Club

    1 - Humphreys, Michael
    2 - Bellissimo, Joseph
    3 - Southam, David
    4 - Siddeley, Hugh
    5 - Evans, Bill
    6 - Wiebe, Daniel
    7 - Stefanovic, Miroslav
    8 - Stein, Jacob

    Pinoy Chess Club

    1 - Mendoza, Armand Jess
    2 - Casareno, Erwin
    3 - Batistil, Rulix
    4 - Orozco, Joey
    5 - Picana, Andrew
    6 - Balboa, Manuel
    7 - Frilles, Ruperto
    8 - Cale, Ferdinand
    9 - Perez, Mickey
    10 - Cabioc, Jose
    11 - Tecson, Ferdinand

    Aurora Chess Club
    (2 teams)

    1 - Cummings, David
    2 - Zeromskis, Egidijus
    3 - MacLeod, David
    4 - Noritsyn, Sergey
    5 - Zhao, Yuetong (Davy)
    6 - Stein, Mickey
    7 - Maulucci, Anthony
    8 - Kaniak, Andrew
    9 - Zhang, Ray
    10 - Barbarich, Zdravko
    11 - Pishdad, M. Hassan
    12 - Zhao, Alex

    Hart House Chess Club

    1 - Derraugh, Geordie
    2 - Xu, Haizhou
    3 - Du, Digeng
    4 - Yu, Jonathan
    5 - Perelman, Leon
    6 - Roller, Robert
    7 - Ferreira, Alex T.
    8 - Mahoney, Ian


    There are 8 teams registered, and the rosters are above in rating or submitted order, not necessarily the finalized board order. Rosters may still be modified, please e-mail me about such changes.

    Alex Ferreira
    Last edited by Alex Ferreira; Sunday, 18th January, 2015, 09:24 PM. Reason: Adjusting Team Rosters

  • #2
    Re: GTCL 2015 League

    Hi all,

    There has been a change in teams. Knights of Chess dropped out. Aurora will now having two teams instead of one.

    I am going to be using Swiss-Manager, and while I am figuring out how it works, I got it to make random pairings.
    So these can be posted now here, and when I figure out the rest of the program stuff, I will be looking at posting all results on chess-results.

    Round 1 - January 20th

    Annex vs GGY
    Hart House vs Pinoy Club
    Willowdale B vs Willowdale A
    Aurora B vs Aurora A

    Round 2 - January 27th

    GGY vs Aurora A
    Willowdale A vs Aurora B
    Pinoy Club vs Willowdale B
    Annex vs Hart House

    Round 3 - February 3rd

    Hart House vs GGY
    Willowdale B vs Annex
    Aurora B vs Pinoy Club
    Aurora A vs Willowdale A

    Round 4 - February 10th

    GGY vs Willowdale A
    Pinoy Club vs Aurora A
    Annex vs Aurora B
    Hart House vs Willowdale B

    Round 5 - February 17th

    Willowdale B vs GGY
    Aurora B vs Hart House
    Aurora A vs Annex
    Willowdale A vs Pinoy Club

    Round 6 - February 24th

    GGY vs Pinoy Club
    Annex vs Willowdale A
    Hart House vs Aurora A
    Willowdale B vs Aurora B

    Round 7 - March 3rd

    Aurora B vs GGY
    Aurora A vs Willowdale B
    Willowdale A vs Hart House
    Pinoy Club vs Annex

    Alex Ferreira
    Last edited by Alex Ferreira; Thursday, 15th January, 2015, 11:58 AM. Reason: Revised Pairings


    • #3
      Re: GTCL 2015 League


      At captains' request, I adjusted the pairings in such a way that both clubs with two teams would have their own teams play at the beginning, which should provide for a more interesting competition for all moving forward.

      Alex F.


      • #4
        Re: GTCL 2015 League

        Hi all,

        Tournament information is now on chess-results. Board order / players might be out of order in team rosters in some cases, will have to tweak and figure out how to fix that.

        Alex F.


        • #5
          Re: GTCL 2015 League

          Bumping up.


          One more round next Tuesday (March 3). The final round will see the most important match Willowdale A vs Hart House for the first place.

          Yesterday I took several individual players' pictures , should post them tonight or tomorrow. Next week I'll try to get a winning team's picture :)


          • #6
            Re: GTCL 2015 League

            Round 6 pictures at


            • #7
              Re: GTCL 2015 League

              The most important match (Willowdale A vs HH) was won by the Hart House team, who claimed a tournament too. Now HH won the GTCL League two times in a row.

              Standing (l-to-r): Leon Perelman, Alex Ferreira and Digeng Du. Kneeling: Haizhou Xu and Jonathan Yu.
              (Missing: Ian Mahoney, who played in R1)


              • #8
                Re: GTCL 2015 League

                Final Standings / Crosstable at:


