Conversation with Boris Spassky

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  • Conversation with Boris Spassky

    In August 1971 I had the pleasure of some long walks in Vancouver with the then World Champion. During one walk I asked him if he was doing any writing.
    He replied "Yes, I am writing a book!"
    Oh? I said what about?
    "I will analyze 10 of my games."
    But how will you ever choose ten games from the hundreds of beautiful ones you have played?
    "I will analyze ten of my losses!" said Boris.
    Whaaat? But why?
    "Because I learned from each of my losses - I learned nothing from my wins!" was his reply. Was there ever such a humble world champion in the history of chess?
    This is something all young players should take to heart - when you lose a game, learn from it.
    Last edited by Vlad Dobrich; Thursday, 9th July, 2015, 01:09 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Conversation with Boris Spassky

    And to confirm his humble nature, he then accepted my invitation to come to Toronto and play in the Labour Day Open. That was the only time a reigning World Champion had ever played in a weekend swiss tournament. And most likely it will never happen again! (Actually Hikaru Nakamura told me that if he wins the World Championship he will come to Toronto to play in a weekend swiss! I plan to hold him to it!)

