GM Lev Albert says clean up your act USA or face the same bellicose policy back.

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  • GM Lev Albert says clean up your act USA or face the same bellicose policy back.

    GM Lev Alburt has written about the the lurid Russophobia poisoning US/Russian relations these days. He says the Americans better get their house in order before this shrill and bellicose policy gets permanently reciprocated by the Russian Federation.

    Lev Albert was a famous anti-communist in the Soviet era who moved to the US and continued his chess career there.

    Grandmaster for Russia and America - GM Lev Alburt

    It's certainly a nice contrast to the frothing Russophobia of former World Ch Kasparov. And the usual ad hominem sort of attack won't work on Alburt because his anti-communist "credentials" are much better than those of the failed candidate for FIDE's Presidential office.

    The original is over at Just use Лев Альбурт as your search item.

    Враг поневоле. Владимир Путин и США
    Last edited by Nigel Hanrahan; Sunday, 6th September, 2015, 11:47 AM. Reason: Враг поневоле. Владимир Путин и Сj
    Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.

  • #2
    Re: GM Lev Albert says clean up your act USA or face the same bellicose policy back.

    Are you going to name call those who try to become prime minister "failed candidate for prime minister of Canada" or is it only to Kasparov that you show this kind of sickening bad faith to diminish the person rather than his ideas ? Whether one is failing or not is related first of all to the level of difficulty of his endeavours.
    Kasparov tried something extremely difficult with high odds of failure but he has the enormous merit of having tried, according to his beliefs and principles.
    Kasparov phobias are not russianphobias but Putinphobia for his autocratic regime.
    There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we need more Kasparovs and fewer Putins in this world.


    • #3
      Re: GM Lev Albert says clean up your act USA

      meh. Kasparov is now facing the very real possibility of corruption charges, even from the US, relating to Leong, etc.. Karpov, IMHO, was a more honest challenger to the incumbent. Should be interesting.

      "Independent experts have outlined accounts of corruption on the part of Kasparov. Singaporean Chess Federation reserves the right to to submit their cases to the competent judicial authorities, and concerning corruption, the country's law is very tough. In theory, the United States can initiate criminal investigations as the matter was first made public via The New York Times," Berik Balgabaev told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.
      Leong was allegedly offered what amounted to a $500,000.00 bribe to join Kasparov's "team" and an undisclosed amount to run a FIDE Office in Singapore should the latter win his bid for the FIDE Presidency.

      The corruption in these larger political bodies in endemic; there's so much at stake and, depending who one supports, one side or another is emphasized as "corrupt". I actually dislike Kasparov's neo-con politics as much or more than the question of corruption; it's as harmful to chess as Fischer's stupid anti-Semitism. More so. At least Fischer wasn't calling for war every other day.
      Last edited by Nigel Hanrahan; Wednesday, 9th September, 2015, 01:34 PM.
      Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.

