Voting Members Meeting Agenda December 13th to 20th

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  • Voting Members Meeting Agenda December 13th to 20th

    It is still possible to add items to the agenda if I receive them today or tomorrow (preferably early). Alternatively you can bring topics up for discussion under new business.

    Chess Federation of Canada Voting Members Meeting December 13 – 20, 2015
    1. Agenda
    2. Opening Comments of Chair
    3. voting member Sign-in - sign in by voting for any of the options
    4. Reports (Executive members and Officers please post your reports here)
    A. President
    B. Vice President
    C. Secretary
    D. Past President
    E. FIDE Representative
    F. Youth Coordinator
    G. Masters Representative
    H. Woman’s Coordinator
    I. Rating Auditor
    J. Chess Foundation of Canada
    K. Kalev Pugi Fund
    L. Treasurer
    M. Executive Director: Financial Report

    5A Discussion Items
    1) Premium Chess FIDE's online server and training platform
    2) Bids for Canadian Open, CYCC and NAYCC and other tournaments (a vote may be required if there are competing bids.)
    3) Chess Foundation discussion
    4) New business

    5B Motions No motions have yet been received.

    Part II "The Voting Booth" Voting on motions and bids (only if there are competing bids): December 16 to 19.

    Attention voting members: the voting period if required is day 4 (December 16) through day 7 (December 19)6.
    1 Voting on motions
    No motions have been submitted for voting.

    Part II At end of meeting
    7. Closing Comments by Chair
    8. Adjournment
    Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Saturday, 21st November, 2015, 02:06 PM.

  • #2
    Re: CFC Voting Members Meeting Agenda December 13th to 20th

    How about getting the FQE to settle at their end the CFC-FQE agreement?


    • #3
      Re: CFC Voting Members Meeting Agenda December 13th to 20th

      Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
      How about getting the FQE to settle at their end the CFC-FQE agreement?
      I believe that it should be settled at the FQE end shortly but probably not within the statutory notification period for the CFC meeting which is tomorrow.


      • #4
        Re: Voting Members Meeting Agenda December 13th to 20th

        As soon as I have any news I will let the CFC executive, the voting members and the general Canadian chess public know.


        • #5
          Re: CFC Voting Members Meeting Agenda December 13th to 20th

          Please add CFC Handbook Updating. Thanks.

