Kirsan Ilyumzhinov Accused by USA of Helping ISIS

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  • #76
    Re: The lunatic fringe re-emerges

    Yes, Vlad is definitely done thanks to young Ms. Swift.

    Haters gotta hate, hate, hate.

    The CFC's not for profit status was never out of working order. We transitioned to the new NFP act when it was required and its been all peace, love and understanding ever since.


    • #77
      Re: The lunatic fringe re-emerges

      The CFC's not for profit status was never out of working order. We transitioned to the new NFP act when it was required and its been all peace, love and understanding ever since.
      Emphasis on understanding ...right Vlad?


      • #78
        Re: The lunatic fringe re-emerges

        Note to self: don't feed the trolls.


        • #79
          trolls live under bridges I have been told

          Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
          Note to self: don't feed the trolls.
          It's not an entire waste of time if those who disagree with you thereby demonstrate outlandish, ad hominem, or just plain silly ideas trying to refute you. The best part, perhaps, is imagining that they haven't yet figured out how much they harm their case in doing so.

          Cheers. Keep on.
          Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


          • #80
            Re: trolls live under bridges I have been told

            Originally posted by Nigel Hanrahan View Post
            It's not an entire waste of time if those who disagree with you thereby demonstrate outlandish, ad hominem, or just plain silly ideas trying to refute you. The best part, perhaps, is imagining that they haven't yet figured out how much they harm their case in doing so.

            Cheers. Keep on.
            Its shaping up as a very busy year and summer. Some people simply aren't worth the time taken to respond.


            • #81
              Re: trolls live under bridges I have been told

              Sage like advice, the same sage like advice was said when the Chess Federation of Canada was stripped of its charity status!

              To a some extent Vlad's presidency will be measured by what Sid has so clearly stated, but for me it will the Membership numbers especially the Adult membership numbers.

              Keep the faith Nigel...


              • #82
                Re: trolls live under bridges I have been told

                Which have been stable. The declines came when I was out of chess.


                • #83
                  Re: trolls live under bridges I have been told

                  Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                  Which have been stable. The declines came when I was out of chess.
                  About the only thing stable about adult membership numbers is that the declines continue >-11%+ decline 2013-2014, > -3% + 2014-2015. Do you ever tell the truth about anything or are you just a pathological liar?
                  Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 20th December, 2015, 11:14 PM.


                  • #84
                    Re: trolls live under bridges I have been told

                    Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                    About the only thing stable about adult membership numbers is that the declines continue >-11%+ decline 2013-2014, > -3% + 2014-2015. Do you ever tell the truth about anything or are you just a pathological liar?
                    You are really sad Neil Frarey when your only ally is Sid Belzberg.

                    2013 to 2014 to 2015
                    1866 to 1888 to 1861 members

                    I really suggest you work to develop a more present and pleasant manner. Posts like this might lead someone to question your health.

                    Our focus during that time has been on junior chess because it had been neglected. Most of the parents and kids don't think of it as neglected any more.
                    First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin. I think we will work on developing some senior events in the coming year along with some new junior events that don't cost an arm and a leg to play in.

                    My suspicion is that membership numbers are largely a function of available tournaments. Toronto has a problem with its venues. No Labour Day, no Thanksgiving Day and an inability to find an affordable venue for NAYCC despite valiant efforts by Francis and Larry. No Canadian Open and we drop 17 in total or less than 1%. Membership revenue and rating fees seem slightly up on the first six months of this year versus last year. I would call that stable.
                    Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Monday, 21st December, 2015, 02:52 AM.


                    • #85
                      Re: The CFC Disgraced Chess in Canada -- Will Vlad Resign?

                      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                      You are really sad Neil Frarey when your only ally is Sid Belzberg.

                      2013 to 2014 to 2015
                      1866 to 1888 to 1861 members
                      Maybe the problem is that you can't read, the question was about adult membership not over all membership,....nope, you then go on to explain that the CFC focused on junior membership. You simply are full of it. Exactly what you said about me, you can sure dish it out but you can't take it.
                      The CFC focuses on juniors and then sets a terrible example by endorsing Putin's close associate, you then feign shock to the CFC voting members when later this same individual is sanctioned for facilitating transactions with ISIS. You spent close to 18 months denying that the person the CFC endorsed is evil. I would say that it is you that has pathological mental health problems. Even a simple question about declining adult membership is clouded by your misrepresentations. Looks more like the overall CFC numbers are stagnant. I am a fan of chess and was a fan of the CFC but I will never support the CFC as long as the likes of you are in charge.
                      Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 21st December, 2015, 06:12 PM.


                      • #86
                        Re: The CFC Disgraced Chess in Canada -- Will Vlad Resign?

                        From: "Canadian Sanctions Related to Russia"

                        "providing any financial or related services to or for the benefit of a designated person."

                        To misquote a famous proverb, "Curiosity never killed the cat."


                        • #87
                          Re: trolls live under bridges I have been told

                          Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                          You are really sad Neil Frarey when your only ally is Sid Belzberg.
                          I don't think anybody would be sad having a successful multi-millionaire businessman as their ally? Then again, what other resort does one have when trying to defend ones wrong doing then disregarding those who were right in the first place?


                          • #88
                            Re: trolls live under bridges I have been told

                            I am not going to fight the battle over the FIDE election again. Its over and done. Kirsan did the honorable thing and stepped aside until such time as he can clear his name. FIDE rolls forward. Kasparov's minions seem to be intent on driving a stake through the heart of their dim shimmering future chances at a favourable vote from the CFC. Like it or not when 2018 rolls around it is likely you will be dealing with a similar set of characters on the CFC board plus or minus one or two. I don't have time for trolls at this time. Please make an appointment for August 15th, 2016 if you want my attention.


                            • #89
                              Default Re: The CFC Disgraced Chess in Canada -- Will Vlad Resign?

                              Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                              I am not going to fight the battle over the FIDE election again. Its over and done. Kirsan did the honorable thing and stepped aside until such time as he can clear his name. FIDE rolls forward. Kasparov's minions seem to be intent on driving a stake through the heart of their dim shimmering future chances at a favourable vote from the CFC. Like it or not when 2018 rolls around it is likely you will be dealing with a similar set of characters on the CFC board plus or minus one or two. I don't have time for trolls at this time. Please make an appointment for August 15th, 2016 if you want my attention.
                              Vlad, stop making up lies about my motivations. As I have said many times, it not about the FIDE election or who the CFC chose,or any future election It is about the CFC not just voting for but endorsing known associates of Putin (considered an enemy to most Canadians) something that not even the majority of voting members wanted, so the executive still took it on themselves and served up a major disgrace to chess in Canada that still crops up to this day as Kirsan appears in the news with yet even more embarrassing revelations.

                              Just how exactly do you expect Kirsan to "clear his name"? What dreamworld do you live in Vlad? He is a close friend of Putin, he is a major shareholder of a Bank that facilitated transactions with ISIS , these are proven facts, unlike Kirsan's stories of Aliens or yours of CFC adult memberships being stable.The chances of refuting a USA OFAC investigation is about as probable as wining a lottery 3 times in a row.

                              Kirsan is even on record as denying that he stepped down as president of FIDE now claiming in effect that he is still a figurehead. Great example for our juniors, I can hear it now..."Go to a FIDE event and your kid will meet the president/ex president who is involved with ISIS and is best buddies with Putin". You don't need to reply Vlad, I am satisfied that you have already demonstrated in this thread to the CFC membership and to chess parents what you are and where your loyalties lie. Have a nice life, and don't let the door knob hit ya where the good lord split ya on the way out. :D
                              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 22nd December, 2015, 02:30 PM.


                              • #90
                                Vlad D shall preside over a glorious period in CFC history. Thus spake Zarathusthra.

                                Hey Sid, you international relations genius! The UNSC (that includes the pure as driven snow US regime and the fiendishly evil Russian regime under the merciless iron heel of Vladimir "the impaler" Putin) just passed a unanimous resolution on Syria. That means that all this loud chatter about trading with this and that, Kirsan this, Syria that, is all water under the bridge. The US regime has capitulated in terms of their "line in the sand" about Assad, and it will be a matter of time now before the Byzantine Treasury Department gets the memo.

                                This means that all the loathsome guilt by association thrown at Kirsan will vanish like, like, well like the wind. And the barking dogs will be able to do nothing to stop the caravan of chess.

                                Damn, I'm really going to enjoy this.
                                Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.

