Die hypermoderne Schachpartie

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  • Die hypermoderne Schachpartie

    It has taken 91 years, but Savielly Tartakower's famous 'Die hypermoderne Schachpartie' has finally been translated into English. It certainly sounds like there may be a great deal of material therein for our 'Great chess quotes' thread (:


  • #2
    Re: Die hypermoderne Schachpartie

    I like their opening event, all games in the tournament have to start with the same opening. It's a fun way to prepare and explore an opening:
    Wilkes-Barre Thematic SPECIAL Thematic event! All games must begin 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5, Dec. 5,


    • #3
      Re: Die hypermoderne Schachpartie

      Die hypermoderne Schachpartie

      July 22, 2016

      Although an English translation has been eagerly awaited for more than 90 years, Edward Winter cautions against the translation that appeared in 2015.

      He gives a couple of examples, one of which:

      Die Fehler sind dazu da, um gemacht zu werden

      is usually rendered in English as:

      The mistakes are all there, waiting to be made

      The Hypermodern Game of Chess, Savielly Tartakower, Russell Enterprises, 2015 translated by Jared Becker, gives it as:

      The sake of the mistake is that it be made



      It is ChessNote 9701

