2009 Ontario Open: the event report

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  • #16
    Re: 2009 Ontario Open: the event report

    The event is in the system in the way it was submitted. Aris used blended sections in the event.

    He could have also submitted 3 different sections, and a number of players would have been duplicated between them.

    It's sorta similar to the one Canadian Open a few years back (I think it may have been one of the Kap years but I'm not sure?) with the "declaring" pairing system... I seem to recall the crosstable on the CFC site looks a bit funny for that one also.
    Christopher Mallon
    FIDE Arbiter


    • #17
      Re: 2009 Ontario Open: the event report

      Hi Chris:

      In the recent tournaments I've played in Hart House, where I would have had a director's 1 pt. bye, I have agreed to the TD bringing up a player without a game from a lower section, and played for my point instead ( My opponent still got his 1 pt. director's bye , or default point, in his own section for that round ). Thus this player appeared twice, once in his own section, and once in my section ( as having played only the one game ). These tournaments were reported in sections, and so showed in the CFC Cross tables.

      Is this what Aris did as well?

      Could he have done the same thing as Bryan Lamb, and reported it in sections? ( was it an option open to him ? ).



      • #18
        Re: 2009 Ontario Open: the event report to the CFC Webzine??

        Hi Aris:

        There has been some discussion on the chat sites about the rate of new material coming into the CFC Webzine.

        Did you consider making this report in the Webzine, rather than here on ChessTalk? You did report one 2008 tournament and 2 of your earlier 2009 tournaments in the " Across Canada " members' section of the webzine.

        If you did consider it, but decided to post here, what were your reasons?

        I'm looking to see what, if anything, can be done to make the webzine more relevant, and why people are or are not posting to it.

        Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Thursday, 28th May, 2009, 02:16 AM.


        • #19
          Re: 2009 Ontario Open: the event report

          Who Won on Tie Break to become Ontario Open Champion for 2009?

          Great Tournament Aris!!
          Site was easy to get to from Transit system.
          Site was very good and you could stay at site for lunch or visit the Billings Bridge Mall.

          Would make the trip again.


          • #20
            Re: 2009 Ontario Open: the event report

            Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
            Hi Chris:

            In the recent tournaments I've played in Hart House, where I would have had a director's 1 pt. bye, I have agreed to the TD bringing up a player without a game from a lower section, and played for my point instead ( My opponent still got his 1 pt. director's bye , or default point, in his own section for that round ). Thus this player appeared twice, once in his own section, and once in my section ( as having played only the one game ). These tournaments were reported in sections, and so showed in the CFC Cross tables.

            Is this what Aris did as well?

            Could he have done the same thing as Bryan Lamb, and reported it in sections? ( was it an option open to him ? ).

            Hi Bob, over the years, I found it a bit of a hassle to have multiple sections, as some software doesn't like players duplicated, and even while using different colour pairing cards, well when players changed sections, they would need 2 pairing IDs and so on.

            So that was one motivation for the glorious crosstables that are posted on the EOCA website. They are clearly separated for each 200-point rating range, and the players who were paired in the same section have the same background colour. I was using that same format for both reporting results (until May 1st), and as a rather good wall chart.

            Then, the only negative that I have ever heard is the resulting CFC rating crosstables, but I feel that I should give priority to the participants, and they benefit more from the wall chart format, and most of them just don't seem to care about the CFC crosstable format, as long as it is correct. Now, this just might be because they know of my PDF crosstables posted on the EOCA website, and being happy with that, they're good to go.

            Having said all this, I am open to more feedback, but one section is less work, and more accurate work, and people seem to prefer the advantages of my current rating reporting anyway, so I am hesitant to change back. I need to publicize the EOCA website more!


            • #21
              Re: 2009 Ontario Open: the event report to the CFC Webzine??

              Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
              Hi Aris:

              There has been some discussion on the chat sites about the rate of new material coming into the CFC Webzine.

              Did you consider making this report in the Webzine, rather than here on ChessTalk? You did report one 2008 tournament and 2 of your earlier 2009 tournaments in the " Across Canada " members' section of the webzine.

              If you did consider it, but decided to post here, what were your reasons?

              I'm looking to see what, if anything, can be done to make the webzine more relevant, and why people are or are not posting to it.

              Hi Bob, after one my events, I post the event report on ChessTalk, as it seems to be the best chess board in the country. I am open to people trying to change my mind.

              I also email it the EOCA website webmaster, who is extremely fast at getting it posted there, along with a PDF of my wall-chart style crosstables. The CFC office and Vincent were also on those emails, and I guess one of them got the goods to the webzine. So now, who should I copy on my event report so that stuff gets posted on the webzine?

              Note that I just need an email address, as I just want to send it. I wouldn't follow up as I don't peruse the webzine much. Thanks in advance for the appropriate email address.


              • #22
                Re: 2009 Ontario Open: the event report

                Originally posted by John Brown View Post
                Who Won on Tie Break to become Ontario Open Champion for 2009?

                Great Tournament Aris!!
                Site was easy to get to from Transit system.
                Site was very good and you could stay at site for lunch or visit the Billings Bridge Mall.

                Would make the trip again.
                Hi John, thanks for the kind words now, and for your words of advice during the event.

                I am hesitant to tie-break, as when I check Section 16 of the CFC Handbook, per :

                1604. Non-cash (Indivisible) Prizes:
                c) two players tieing for a championship are considered co-champions; the tie may be broken if more than two players tie for a championship.

                Therefore, the above makes Artiom and Bator co-champions. Is that acceptable to all?


                • #23
                  Re: 2009 Ontario Open: the event report

                  Originally posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
                  Therefore, the above makes Artiom and Bator co-champions. Is that acceptable to all?
                  It's a better outcome, than Krush-Zatonskih ;)


                  • #24
                    Re: 2009 Ontario Open: the event report to the CFC Webzine??

                    Originally posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
                    Hi Bob, after one my events, I post the event report on ChessTalk, as it seems to be the best chess board in the country. I am open to people trying to change my mind.

                    I also email it the EOCA website webmaster, who is extremely fast at getting it posted there, along with a PDF of my wall-chart style crosstables. The CFC office and Vincent were also on those emails, and I guess one of them got the goods to the webzine. So now, who should I copy on my event report so that stuff gets posted on the webzine?

                    Note that I just need an email address, as I just want to send it. I wouldn't follow up as I don't peruse the webzine much. Thanks in advance for the appropriate email address.
                    As to an e-mail address, the " Contact Us " page of the CFC Webzine gives " info@chess.ca . Guess you could copy it there, and I think it is to go to the webzine editor.



                    • #25
                      Re: 2009 Ontario Open: the event report to the CFC Webzine??

                      Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                      As to an e-mail address, the " Contact Us " page of the CFC Webzine gives " info@chess.ca . Guess you could copy it there, and I think it is to go to the webzine editor.

                      Yup, I do send it to that email address. Thanks though. Anyone see it on the webzine?

