Prize money - in 1895

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  • Prize money - in 1895

    The Hastings tournament of 1895 (Pillsbury, Tchigorin, Lasker, etc.) had the following prizes:

    (in pounds) 150, 115, 85, 60, 40, 30, etc. - everyone won at least 6 pounds 10 shillings. 22 players.

    At the time, one pound was worth $5. A dollar in 1895 is worth about $30 now, so an 1895 pound is worth about $150 now.

    Converting the prizes to today's money we get:

    $22,500, $17,500, $12,750, $9,000, $7,500, $6,000, $4,500, and a minimum of $975. There were also brilliancy prizes of 5 and 3 pounds. ($750 and $450).

    Those prizes wouldn't be bad for a tournament held today!