A back-door route to chess promotion

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  • A back-door route to chess promotion

    This weeks Tuesday FREE CHESS TOURNAMENT at the TIME CAPSULE CAFE was nearly cancelled due to insufficent entries - we needed eight entries to launch but finally an hour late, we reached seven. The sponsor then gave the go-ahead if the tournament director (myself) would play. So the tournament was on - I won after some close calls. But that is not a good way to promote an event. So there is only one way for the sponsorship to be repeated - namely our Tuesday (March 1) Go tournament must succeed where the chess failed. If that tourney draws eight entries then the sponsor (the Cafe) will repeat the series - minus the backgammon, which drew only one free entry and was cancelled.
    The Go tournament will mostly consist of raw beginners while the more advanced players will play with appropriate handicaps. So it would be possible to arrive two hours early next Tuesday, learn the basics and then win three games to collect the $50 top prize.
    But here's the main incentive - simply by joining the tournament and thus making it a success, you ensure that chess will be repeated on a monthly basis - sponsored tournament every month, with $50 to the winner (all players below 2,000 rating)
    Sign up here to learn & play Go >>>>>>>>