Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

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  • Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

    Chessvibes reports "Aronian beat Hikaru Nakamura who was forced to make a fatal 74th move with his king after he had touched it." and on twitter chessvibes wonders why the commentators made no mention of this... Anyone find any other info about? I was watching some of the live commentary (off and on - mostly off) but I seem to recall there was some talk that Nakamura could hold a draw... I did see part of the post-game interview with Aronian where he schooled the commentators on the Rook ending (Kosteniuk was quite amused by his petite lecture... PS: she is quite engaging)

    chessvibes link:

    Seems that Naka might have had a brain cramp and touched the king without saying first j'adoube...
    see this video here (where it is clear that the commentators certainly DID react with astonishment):
    Last edited by Kerry Liles; Thursday, 17th March, 2016, 04:08 PM. Reason: more info
    ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.

  • #2
    Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

    Correct. Chief Arbiter Werner Stubenvoll was right there. Nakamura tried to escape with a late j'adoube but Aronian would have none of it. Naka did not protest but he was unhappy with himself. Tough to watch. He had done all the heavy lifting to get to an apparently drawn ending.


    • #3
      Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

      Originally posted by Hal Bond View Post
      Correct. Chief Arbiter Werner Stubenvoll was right there. Nakamura tried to escape with a late j'adoube but Aronian would have none of it. Naka did not protest but he was unhappy with himself. Tough to watch. He had done all the heavy lifting to get to an apparently drawn ending.
      Thanks Hal. I am not sure it was drawn at the point where he touched the King (moving the K was a very bad idea and it was lost after that...)

      However, I am far from even decent at Rook endings, so I will have to study what Aronian is saying in the tutorial in the post game press conference, but I believe him when he says it is winning anyway...
      ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


      • #4
        Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

        Gotta love this Aronian guy :)
        at around 6:30 in the video:
        "I love giving this lesson" ... "And now ....children ... now I have to play this!"

        ...wonder if Nakamura watched the lesson :)


        • #5
          Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

          Originally posted by Hal Bond View Post
          Correct. Chief Arbiter Werner Stubenvoll was right there. Nakamura tried to escape with a late j'adoube but Aronian would have none of it. Naka did not protest but he was unhappy with himself. Tough to watch. He had done all the heavy lifting to get to an apparently drawn ending.
          007 transcripts:

          HAL: "Couldn't you give Naka a break?"
          LEVON: "What the!!"

          HAL: "Naka, was your mumble meant to be off-guard?"
          NAKA: "No...Aa..guard! J'acoub, instead of J'adoub!"


          • #6
            Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

            Originally posted by Hal Bond View Post
            Nakamura tried to escape with a late j'adoube but Aronian would have none of it.
            In other words Nakamura tried to cheat and got caught. It is a disgrace. And the video proves it. I seem to recall this guy having played a fishy two-handed castle not long ago as well. He needs to improve on sportsmanship.


            • #7
              Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

              Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
              In other words Nakamura tried to cheat and got caught. It is a disgrace. And the video proves it. I seem to recall this guy having played a fishy two-handed castle not long ago as well. He needs to improve on sportsmanship.
              Or, he suddenly realized what he had done and blurted out that he meant to j'adoube - I don't see him arguing for more than a second or two. Hal Bond is there - perhaps he can relate the spirit of what was happening - all I saw was an audio-less view. I am not trying to apologize for Naka but suggesting this might have been a lot more unintended (brain cramp). I don't think any player at IM/GM level needs to be reminded of the rules. As for two-handed castling, that is an entirely different situation in my view - there can be no doubt what the player is doing: castling(!), so the pedantic obsession with 'it is a move of the King' is tiresome but predictable.

              I understand he declined to shake hands [and failed to show up for the post-game press conference - that means 10% of his potential winnings from the tournament may be forfeited to the sponsor and FIDE] - I did not see that on the videos I happened to watch. If that is the case, that is precisely where the sportsmanship runs out. It is understandable to be upset or even distraught but no excuse for failing to shake hands [Kramnik and Topalov are possible exceptions I suppose, but not for any good reason]

              Today's article at Chessbase indicates that the ending was NOT obviously winning anyway as Aronian insisted at the post-game press conference (rook and pawn endings can be very complex of course):


              (see analysis of Aronian-Nakamura game by Sagar Shah near the end of that article.
              ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


              • #8
                Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

                Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                In other words Nakamura tried to cheat and got caught. It is a disgrace. And the video proves it. I seem to recall this guy having played a fishy two-handed castle not long ago as well. He needs to improve on sportsmanship.
                Prob. a little harsh?
                I think Naka's a great guy, awesome chess-player.
                Stuff happens:)


                • #9
                  Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

                  Nakamura’s Touch Move

                  March 18, 2016

                  The touched move incident had the players under the scrutiny of thousands of people. Both players are emotional and sometimes it is better to get a grip on yourself before going in front of the public again.

                  To me it made perfect sense to go without a press conference in this case until the players could cool down.

                  A reader at said it well today:

                  (joseaf) - Did you guys ever play high stake games??

                  Of course Nakamura was pissed, of course he tried to escape
                  He did not escape, he moved the king, he did not shake hands (not sure about this), he did not go to press conference. That happens!

                  He will stand up and I am sure he will talk to Aronian about what happened and will apologize for trying to not move the king after touching it.

                  Both are extremely expressive people and super fun. This is not a Topalov Kramnik thing. They will be completely fine sooner than later, and Naka will apologize.

                  BTW, chess24 non-premium engine says the Aronian would win the game in ~170 moves?!

                  Aronian could be right about winning that game, but he could have smiled less and been less happy with what happened.
                  Last edited by Wayne Komer; Friday, 18th March, 2016, 11:43 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

                    This incident compares favourably with the "hand of God" episode in which Garry Kasparov flagrantly cheated, moving a piece other than the one he first touched, against Judit Polgar. Kasparov bullied his way through without apology and, as I recall, eventually won the game. Of course, Hal Bond was not there to enforce the rules!


                    • #11
                      Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

                      Nakamura's Touch Move

                      March 18, 2016

                      The Chief Arbiter, Werner Stubenvoll, was right there at boardside too, looking grimly on, yesterday.


                      • #12
                        Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

                        Daniel King has posted a video with analysis about the ending - whether it was winning 'anyway' etc. Very interesting analysis.


                        (He -Daniel- mentions that Maxime Vachier-Lagrave has also posted annotation of this game at - I haven't gone looking for that yet. I want to watch King's video first to get the general ideas (one of which is there are stalemate possibilities that muddy the water for sure).
                        ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                        • #13
                          Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

                          It is true Nakamura never shook hands at the end. The CA had him sign his score sheet and he even grabbed it after and slammed it down by Aronian to get him to sign it too. By the way, first thing he did was get up and put on his jacket. Never once did he extend his hand out to shake Aronian's.


                          • #14
                            Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

                            Take it easy on Naka, boys. This whole unfortunate business could be a delayed stress reaction to his simul at the Detroit Institute of Arts on Friday, August 21, 2015. Let's show a little sympathy, eh. :l
                            "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                            "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                            "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                            • #15
                              Re: Candidates Rd6 Aronian wins after Nakamura touched King...

                              Originally posted by Gordon Ritchie View Post
                              This incident compares favourably with the "hand of God" episode in which Garry Kasparov flagrantly cheated, moving a piece other than the one he first touched, against Judit Polgar. Kasparov bullied his way through without apology and, as I recall, eventually won the game. Of course, Hal Bond was not there to enforce the rules!
                              Just to clarify - in the referenced case, Kasparov touched a knight and put it on a square, then maybe let go/maybe didn't let go before realizing it was a mistake, and moved it somewhere else. He didn't move a piece other than the one he first touched, and it certainly wasn't flagrant. Even frame by frame video at the time left some doubt as to whether he'd fully released it.

