Heterodox Chess (Chess Problems)

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  • Nigel Hanrahan
    Rampaging Rook (solution)

    Dedicated to N.H. - Rampaging Rook
    pg 17.0, 2016

    1.e4 h5 2.Qxh5 Rxh5 3.e5 Rxh2 4.e6 Rxg2 5.Rh8 Rxf2 6.Rxg8 Rxd2 7.Rxg7 Rxc2 8.Bf4 Rxb2 9.Nd2 Rxa2 10.0-0-0 Rxd2 11.Bxc7 Rxd1+ 12.Kb2 Rxf1 13.Bxd8 Rxg1 14.Bxe7 Rxg7 15.exf7+ Rxf7 16.Bxf8 Rxf8 17.Ka1 Rh8

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  • Nigel Hanrahan
    started a topic Heterodox Chess (Chess Problems)

    Heterodox Chess (Chess Problems)

    The following is a proof game in 17.0 The position after 17 moves by both sides is given. Try to find the unique solution. The author is Zoltan Bodnar.

    spg 17.0 [zkb] "Rampaging Rook" 2016.

    The solution is given in the next post.