Chess - A State of Mind

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  • Chess - A State of Mind

    1980's documentary:

    Apart from being a big burst of nostalgia (and where else can you see Spassky imitating Karpov and Ray Keene jogging) there is Canadian content:

    6:38 - Prentice on the left (arbiter Alberic O'kelly de Galway on the right)

    11:38 - Fischer watching Suttles. More footage of the same event around 14:50. Seems to be the Siegen Olympiad, Finals of the A Group, round 2 - Benko and Reshevsky can be seen at the end of the second clip, according to Olimpbase the player who sits down to play Fischer would be Gheorghiu, and Suttles is playing Filip. Yanofsky visible around 14:52-14:55, then Vranesic, Witt.