NAYCC 2016 numbers

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  • NAYCC 2016 numbers

    Well, that didn't work.

    I have the files that were used for check-in, and thought I would do a quick count-up to see who is from where. Unfortunately, the data is not very good at all, about 6 players do not have intelligible country/state info, and almost 50 are listed from "US AL". That seems a bit unlikely, so I checked a few, and none were from Alabama; indeed, at least one is from Ontario.

    So, with not very good information going in, this is what I've worked out, I think... take all numbers with a grain of salt, or several...

    This is from the check-in files... there may have been late (very late) registrations

    345 total players, 254 in the open sections, and 91 in the girls sections

    168 Canada, 2 Mexico, 175 US (assuming all the unknowns and "AL" are US, which they aren't)

    Ontario had the most players, 96 boys and 26 girls. BC and QC each have 18 players.
    There are 24 players from California, 17 from Texas, and 14 from New York.

    A surprise to me is how few players are from Michigan - commuting distance. There are only a dozen or so, and we've had more than that for 1-day and weekend tournaments. Competing events?

    With data like that going in, I'm awful glad I wasn't the person imputting registration data into Swiss-sys. It must have been a nightmare for Brian and Aris.

  • #2
    Re: NAYCC 2016 numbers

    What's the count of girls in the Open sections?


    • #3
      Re: NAYCC 2016 numbers

      All I can do is look at first names - I can't tell if "Leslie" is male or female, likewise with "Chris". I think zero girls in the open sections, but I'll glance thru again.



      • #4
        Re: NAYCC 2016 numbers

        AFAIK there are zero girls in the boys sections. Some registered but later switched to girl's sections.

