Chess Chat Website - Admin.- Edit Post Button

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  • Chess Chat Website - Admin.- Edit Post Button

    "Edit Post" button????

    Can no one get it working properly?? I am unable to edit my posts once I've posted them.

    I saw some comments about a way to go around the problem, but surely this is a simple fix, no?

    Bob A

  • #2
    Re: Chess Chat Website - Admin.- Edit Post Button

    Chess Chat (sic) Website - Admin.- Edit Post Button

    December 19, 2016

    I agree! I couldn’t edit something I wrote earlier on one thread and wasn’t able to get in until I read Alex Ferreira’s work-around using the right-click button. I got a message which said “Open Link in New Window”, and I was able to do the edit.

    There is nothing worse to an author than a spelling mistake or a wrong score that cannot be corrected.

    The fen diagrams have not been fixed either.

    Lately, the ChessTalk board has begun to look as if it is patched up with duct tape! All this since we lost a month’s worth of postings during the Olympiad.

