Montreal - Choc des Generations - results and games

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  • Montreal - Choc des Generations - results and games

    This was a Scheveningen event pairing 5 juniors against 5 adults. All games have been posted on the French ChessTalk.

    Choc des Generations  2018
                                        --------------  Sambuev,Bator              2517     4.5/5
                                        |  -----------  Hebert,Jean                2363     3.5/5
                                        |  |  --------  Masse,Hugues               2123     3.0/5
                                        |  |  |  -----  Tremblay,Rejean            2179     2.0/5
                                        |  |  |  |  --  Duong,Thanh Nha            2175     2.0/5
                                        |  |  |  |  |  
     1 Yu,Zong Yang               2406  0  1  =  1  1     3.5/5
     2 Ouellet,Maili-Jade         2237  0  0  1  1  1     3.0/5
     3 Rodrigue-Lemieux,Shawn     2160  =  =  0  0  1     2.0/5
     4 Chiku-Ratte,Olivier-Kenta  2274  0  0  0  1  0     1.0/5
     5 Huang,Qiuyu                2163  0  0  =  0  0     0.5/5