Banff Open - Armageddon Playoff Format

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  • Banff Open - Armageddon Playoff Format

    The Armageddon game will be white gets 5 minutes and black gets 4 minutes with draw odds - no time increments. So white must win. Highest on tiebreak gets choice of colours
    Tiebreak - 1st head on score 2nd - Cumulative score 3rd tiebreak - scores of your opponents, after that coin flip
    If 2 players tie - one game.
    3 players tie - 1st on tiebreak gets bye to final.
    4 players tie - #1 on tiebreak plays #4 on tiebreak #2 on tiebreak plays #3 on tiebreak
    5 players tie (lets hope not!) - 1st on tiebreak gets bye to final

    Winner of Armageddon receives $500 more than the rest of the players, where the money is split.
    So if 3 players and 1st prize of $1100 - Winner gets $200 + $500 = $700 The other 2 players get $200 each.

    In case of any ambiguity, the decision of the chief organizer is final!

    This will make for exciting finish and exactly what our donor is hoping for!

  • #2

    SwissSys Standings. 2018 BANFF OPEN: 2018 BANFF OPEN

    # Name ID Rtng Post St Rd 1 Rd 2 Tot
    1 IM Mark Ginsburg 101355 2397 2398 US +40 +30 2
    2 IM Brian Hartman 102700 2386 2388 ON +41 +29 2
    3 FM Ian Findlay 101737 2355 2356 AB +42 +32 2
    4 IM Thanh Nha Duong 107950 2322 2324 QC +43 +31 2
    5 WIM Agnieszka Matras-Clement 156403 2301 2303 AB +44 +33 2
    6 Georgi Kostadinov 120324 2168 2171 AB +45 +28 2
    7 Vladislav Rekhson 135072 2153 2156 AB +46 +34 2
    8 Kris Boehmer 106248 2142 2145 AB +47 +36 2
    9 Andrei Moffat 108272 2086 2091 ON +48 +35 2
    10 Bong Gallemaso 160824 2042 2046 AB +49 +26 2
    11 Aditya Raninga 164553 2026 2032 AB +50 +37 2
    12 Robert J. Gardner 108323 2233 2236 AB +63 +25 2
    13 Sammy Yao 134979 2020 2021 AB +64 +27 2
    14 Maxim Vasic 163264 2005 2009 AB +65 +38 2
    15 Andrew Chen 155357 1897 1937 AB +66 +24 2
    16 Omid Malek 125459 2184 2178 AB +51 =18
    17 Kenji Hiebert 106297 2165 2158 BC +61 =19
    18 Bhavik Dave 155324 1879 1890 AB +67 =16
    19 Yingying (Lucy) Cao 160210 1837 1849 AB +68 =17
    20 Paul Leblanc 104186 1845 1836 BC =57 +58
    21 Robin Templeton 165781 1817 1822 AB =59 +60
    22 Leah Hughey 155325 1722 1733 AB +55 H---
    23 Micah Hughey 109502 2095 2096 AB H--- +57
    24 FM Dale Haessel 112476 2233 2218 AB +53 -15 1
    25 Jim Daniluk 105606 1892 1889 AB +54 -12 1
    26 Alexander Sasata 156114 1638 1695 SK +39 -10 1
    27 Avery Li 162758 997 1102 AB +52 -13 1
    28 Michael Decaire 166974 1848 1844 AB +62 -6 1
    29 Nicholas Lee 150588 1965 1963 AB +69 -2 1
    30 Dustin Koperski 156393 1952 1951 AB +70 -1 1
    31 Mark Ivanescu 158034 1948 1946 AB +71 -4 1
    32 Don Coward 108989 1924 1922 AB +72 -3 1
    33 Douglas Nechio 125206 1905 1903 AB +73 -5 1
    34 Paul Wang 155355 1828 1824 AB +74 -7 1
    35 Hemant Srinivasan 165101 1803 1798 AB +75 -9 1
    36 Husain Ali 160465 1796 1792 AB +76 -8 1
    37 Pat Moore 134361 1785 1779 AB +77 -11 1
    38 Leo Lin 163510 1714 1709 SK +78 -14 1
    39 Robert Sasata 111065 2321 2306 SK -26 +59 1
    40 Chris Jonker 160553 1701 1703 AB -1 +70 1
    41 Cristian Ivanescu 158037 1696 1699 AB -2 +69 1
    42 Richard Gaulin 133170 1676 1678 BC -3 +72 1
    43 Jacob Collins 148922 1671 1673 AB -4 +71 1
    44 Trevor Robertson 111334 1630 1632 AB -5 +73 1
    45 Jerry Mikusek 157397 1580 1579 AB -6 +74 1
    46 Charles Culver 108574 1568 1567 AB -7 +75 1
    47 Eoin Dunne 140419 1533 1532 AB -8 +68 1
    48 Felix Lin 163509 1524 1523 SK -9 +77 1
    49 Mike Sekuloff 101970 1522 1521 AB -10 +76 1
    50 Yash Darvekar 160461 1507 1506 AB -11 +78 1
    51 David Williams 111246 1586 1587 BC -16 +67 1
    52 Cameron Ratte 160561 1863 1834 AB -27 +65 1
    53 Richard J Lapenna 102082 1626 1627 BC -24 +66 1
    54 Matthew Ivanescu 162686 1053 1149 AB -25 +63 1
    55 Kevin D Moore 132272 unr. 1575 BC -22 +64 1
    56 Mike Scholz 111698 1468 1468 AB H--- H--- 1
    57 Pranav Pathak 163335 822 874 AB =20 -23 ½
    58 Adam Szulski 107048 1615 1601 AB =60 -20 ½
    59 Tony Chatham NEW unr. 1822 =21 -39 ½
    60 Xiaoyan Zhu NEW unr. 1511 AB =58 -21 ½
    61 David Suominen 166801 1574 1554 AB -17 =62 ½
    62 Jonathan Wu 165985 950 994 AB -28 =61 ½
    63 Steve Sklenka 102345 1594 1555 AB -12 -54 0
    64 Paul Viminitz 110246 1432 1417 AB -13 -55 0
    65 Jeffrey Street 163200 1318 1315 BC -14 -52 0
    66 Jacob McKinney 165779 1181 1176 AB -15 -53 0
    67 Cathy Xie 165247 1027 1024 AB -18 -51 0
    68 Ben Swertz 161422 792 791 AB -19 -47 0
    69 Conner Frank 165780 1311 1305 AB -29 -41 0
    70 Jerry Ming 160976 1264 1259 AB -30 -40 0
    71 Blaise Evans 167447 1249 1244 AB -31 -43 0
    72 Berry de Groot 165868 1210 1206 BC -32 -42 0
    73 Helen Chen 160499 1199 1194 AB -33 -44 0
    74 Natasha Sasata 159978 786 785 SK -34 -45 0
    75 Lina Dwyer NEW unr. 750 AB -35 -46 0
    76 Nami Dwyer 160106 unr. 750 AB -36 -49 0
    77 Solomon Kaech NEW unr. 750 -37 -48 0
    78 Vivek Dipesh Patel NEW unr. 750 -38 -50 0
    Pairings for Round 3. 2018 BANFF OPEN: 2018 BANFF OPEN

    Bd Res White Res Black
    1 IM Mark Ginsburg (2397) Andrei Moffat (2086)
    2 Kris Boehmer (2142) IM Brian Hartman (2386)
    3 FM Ian Findlay (2355) Aditya Raninga (2026)
    4 Bong Gallemaso (2042) IM Thanh Nha Duong (2322)
    5 Sammy Yao (2020) Robert J. Gardner (2233)
    6 Maxim Vasic (2005) Georgi Kostadinov (2168)
    7 Andrew Chen (1897) Vladislav Rekhson (2153)
    8 Omid Malek (2184) Yingying (Lucy) Cao (1837)
    9 Kenji Hiebert (2165) Robin Templeton (1817)
    10 Leah Hughey (1722) Bhavik Dave (1879)
    11 Paul Leblanc (1845) FM Dale Haessel (2233)
    12 Cristian Ivanescu (1696) Robert Sasata (2321)
    13 Nicholas Lee (1965) Richard Gaulin (1676)
    14 Jacob Collins (1671) Dustin Koperski (1952)
    15 Mark Ivanescu (1948) Alexander Sasata (1638)
    16 Trevor Robertson (1630) Don Coward (1924)
    17 Douglas Nechio (1905) Richard J Lapenna (1626)
    18 Jim Daniluk (1892) David Williams (1586)
    19 Cameron Ratte (1863) Jerry Mikusek (1580)
    20 Michael Decaire (1848) Charles Culver (1568)
    21 Paul Wang (1828) Eoin Dunne (1533)
    22 Hemant Srinivasan (1803) Mike Sekuloff (1522)
    23 Felix Lin (1524) Husain Ali (1796)
    24 Pat Moore (1785) Matthew Ivanescu (1053)
    25 Leo Lin (1714) Avery Li (997)
    26 Yash Darvekar (1507) Chris Jonker (1701)
    27 Kevin D Moore (unr.) Adam Szulski (1615)
    28 Tony Chatham (unr.) David Suominen (1574)
    29 Jonathan Wu (950) Pranav Pathak (822)
    30 Xiaoyan Zhu (unr.) Paul Viminitz (1432)
    31 Steve Sklenka (1594) Helen Chen (1199)
    32 Jacob McKinney (1181) Jeffrey Street (1318)
    33 Cathy Xie (1027) Conner Frank (1311)
    34 Jerry Ming (1264) Natasha Sasata (786)
    35 Ben Swertz (792) Blaise Evans (1249)
    36 Berry de Groot (1210) Lina Dwyer (unr.)
    1 Vivek Dipesh Patel (unr.) See T.D. (PAB)
    ½ WIM Agnieszka Matras-Clement (2301) BYE
    ½ Micah Hughey (2095) BYE
    ½ Mike Scholz (1468) BYE
    ½ Nami Dwyer (unr.) BYE
    ½ Solomon Kaech (unr.) BYE


    • #3
      Were there a lot of no-shows? There were 97 entries as of a few days ago. Bad weather?


      • #4
        1st 2 years, we got about 20% no shows, but with more entries, more no shows. Next year it will be pay in advance. Still a very good turn out, Next year, we will do in 3 sections, increase the entry fee and get a bigger room to hold about 150 people. Weather to get here was not great, but not horrible.


        • #5
          Those no shows are going to miss out on seeing their names on the limited edition Banff Open thank you poster.

          Banff native Paul Zizka has graciously granted to me full permission to use some of his amazing photographs for the poster! Thanks so much Paul!

          Check out Paul's photography here ... and here ...

          Stunning, beautiful, majestic ... etc., etc..


          Chess tournament thank you poster???

          In Canada???

          Yep! There is now!


          • #6
            For all the pairings and results, please see link


            • #7
              Prize Fund
              1st $800 + donor
              1st prize guaranteed (thanks to a $500 donation to 1st prize) $1,300 TOTAL
              In the event of a tie for 1st place, there will be an Armageddon playoff where the winner gets $500 more (as per donor request) than those tying with him/her.
              2nd $350
              3rd $200
              Under 2200 $200
              2nd 100
              Under 2000 180
              2nd 90
              Under 1800 160
              2nd 80
              Under 1600 140
              Under 1400 115
              2nd 60
              Total Prizes $3,045
              **biggest upset Bobblehead
              ** top under 18 Bobblehead
              Entry fees $2,615
              Minus Aca dues - 370
              Plus CUPE Local 4318 + 300
              Plus $500 Donor 1st + 500
              Prize fund $3,045
              — at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.

