FM Kevin Gentes 1967-2021

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  • FM Kevin Gentes 1967-2021

    I was waiting for someone from Winnipeg to post this, but here is the sad news from today's Chess Manitoba Blog


    Edward Tang reports that "FM Kevin Gentes passed away May 1, 2021. Kevin passed away after a stroke in the St. Boniface Hospital of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Despite being inactive from Winnipeg chess lately, he was residing in Winnipeg."


    I only met Kevin once that I recall, at the 1999 Canadian Closed. He reminded me a bit of a swashbuckler. A friend I told about him found a game of his from the 1986 Canadian Open where he beat World #3 Artur Yusupov
    Last edited by Fred McKim; Tuesday, 4th May, 2021, 07:11 AM. Reason: Date correction

  • #2
    Kevin played at the 2019 Zonal in Kingston.

    Rest in peace.


    • #3
      And I played against him in 2nd round.

      Rest in peace.


      • #4
        Very sad news. Kevin was one of the Canadian super talents and he played in 8 Canadian championships. In 2015 at Guelph a picture was taken of all the "veterans" of Canadian championships. I reflected later that Kevin was only in his 40's at the time but definitely one of the veterans. Does anybody have a copy of that picture that they could post? I participated with him in several championships but it wasnt until 2007 that we played and it was a hard fought draw. Kevin had a great understanding of positional concepts and I enjoyed seeing him analyze and partaking in analysis sessions with him. He is a Canadian chess legend. Rest in peace Kevin.


        • #5
          I had the opportunity to enjoy several refreshments with Kevin and Nick during the Canadian Open, Winnipeg, 1994. The two of them were analyzing the games they had played and I was struck by the reverance and respect that Nick showed for Kevin's analysis. Nick was very much interested in how he could improve upon his own games by asking Kevin questions about where he may have gone wrong. Kevin more than once suggested that Nick should simply "sit" on the position and wait for his oppenent to make some kind of mistake, but of course this methodology was foreign to Nick's insatiable thirst for perfection, and he would shun the idea and look for something more until Kevin convinced him that there was simply nothing more to be found in the given position.


          • #6
            Too young by far.


            • #7
              Very sad news.

              This is a terrible loss for chess in Manitoba and across Canada. Kevin was a many-time Manitoba provincial champion, and had enough talent to take off virtually anyone at any time; witness his extraordinary upset win, as a junior, rated about 2000, over GM Artur Yusupov at the 1986 Winnipeg Canadian Open; GM Yusupov was then ranked #3 in the world.

              Kevin played in the 1992 Kingston Zonal as the Manitoba / Saskatchewan representative, for which I was head organizer and deputy arbiter. In another huge upset, FM Gentes defeated GM Kevin Spraggett in a game which had a vital bearing on that championship's outcome. It allowed IM Alex LeSiege to capture the 1992 title; GM Spraggett tied for second with IM Brian Hartman.

              As Aris wrote, FM Gentes also played in the 2019 Zonal in Kingston, for which Aris was in charge, and where I assisted. Kevin had to withdraw partway through that event, due to health concerns.

              Rest In Peace, Kevin. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

              Respectfully submitted,
              Frank Dixon
              NTD, Kingston


              • #8
                Attached are two pix of Kevin Gentes I took at the 2019 and 2015 Canadian Zonals, against Victor Plotkn and Raja Panjwani.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	2019 Zonal R2 - Kevin Gentes - Victor Plotkin.jpg
Views:	186
Size:	17.0 KB
ID:	213173

                Click image for larger version

Name:	2015 CCCh - r2- Gentes - Panjwani - recoloured.jpg
Views:	132
Size:	22.4 KB
ID:	213171
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Sorry to hear this. I think I played him once as a cocky young expert, chuckling to myself as he dared enter the poison pawn najdorf which I thought I understood very well. My mistaken notion was quickly disabused and the postmortem with him and Gary Basanta was both enlightening (in terms of how much I learned) and depressing (in terms of realizing how much I had to learn). RIP to him.


                  • #10
                    I have previously posted my admiration for Kevin's chess talent. I spent several times with Kevin, in particular, the 1987, 1989, 1992 Canadian Closeds (when they were closed). He was a gentle person, with a sincerity I greatly admired. Of the many interactions, perhaps the most amusing was when we were sharing a beer in 1989 at a Windsor roadhouse called California's (an extraordinary place), we were sitting near the stage and watching the action, and enjoying the music (CCR), when Kevin told me he could break dance. He asked if I wanted to see it; I replied sure...he went on the stage and did the most amazing splits, and martial arts style dancing I have ever seen...however, each night at this venue there were altercations, and thus Kevin suddenly attracted the six staff bouncers...I quickly intervened and we were successful in returning to our seats unscathed...

                    My condolences to Kevin's family and loved ones.


