Chess Metro

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  • Chess Metro


    Still in soft launch mode, but I just wanted to share this chess passion project with all y'all:)

    I wanted to bring together a curated selection of the most popular chess sites, chess blogs, chess channels, chess platforms and chess forums too. Plus, a selection of chess teachers, chess coaches and full on chess courses.

    CHESS METRO home page changes with new content everyday, even many times a day! So for example when fresh content is published by GM Hikaru Nakamura, GM Magnus Carlsen, Gotham Chess etc., CHESS METRO is refreshed with that content!
    Here's a brief list of some of the chess content aggregated within CHESS METRO ... chess com, chess24, The Week In Chess, chessable, ChessBase, Reditt Chess, GM Hikaru, GM Carlsen, agadmator, Chessbrah, Gotham Chess, Power Play Chess (GM Daniel King), Twitch, Facebook, Lichess and much more, it just keeps growing. The Learn page features (amongst others) GM Bareev, IM O'Donnell, GM Kasparov, Chessable too.

    But first of all, please forgive my unabashed love for typography!!! That enormous and playful typeface you see is an homage to a Milton Glaser typeface (Baby Teeth) and was generously donated to us by its author! The letter shapes are very chunky and blocky looking like the general shapes of buildings. They also look somewhat like game pieces too. All-in-all a good fit for this chess passion project.
    When the website is viewed on other screen sizes and resolutions the typography becomes dynamic! Those massive letter shapes begin to stack, ha!, just like vertical street signage! I could easily rein in the typography with just a few lines of CSS, but for now it's playful fun!

    Secondly, um, I naively created this website on my 17" laptop ... so there's still some more CSS responsive work needing to get done. But as it is now, OK on most mobile devices.

    Thirdly, I'm in the difficult process of creating a hamburger menu for desktop and mobile. I would simply use the standard header and menu but I'm going for a very minimal vibe here with very few visual distractions, so for now the menu is located only at the bottom of the Home page ... lol! WIP, ha! ... and it's just four pages; Home, Learn, About and Social :) And besides all that, there seems to be an annoying cron job bottle neck somewhere, ugh!

    I hope you enjoy my concept, ha! It's simply too much fun watching all the daily fresh content come into CHESS METRO each and every day from all around the innerwebs :)



  • #2
    A stroke of genius!


    • #3
      Looks great Neil. I have bookmarked Chess Metro. Also, thanks for the Banff Open plug -- everyone click on Banff Open, lol.


      • #4
        Hey Brad and Ian, thanks so much for your kind remarks!!! And reppin' the Banff Open is a pleasure! CT too for that matter.

        But if it wasn't for all you all tolerating my never ending emails from CHESS METRO's inception, especially that hideous countdown clock omg, I don't think I would have found this direction. Creativity does come as a flash of genius, I have been humbled to experience that 'flash' several times (like when I created colored bacon), but most often creativity comes from the process. It takes open and honest exchanges to bring an idea to life.

        So thanks to you Tom, Brad, Ian, Raymond and Bernie too for all your encouraging replies during this process!!!

        Unfortunately, we're only half the way there, ha! But it's a good start!

        Thanks much again :)

