Hey CFC, Happy 90th Anniversary!!!

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  • Hey CFC, Happy 90th Anniversary!!!

    NOT 150 yet but might get there ;)

    I created a fresh graphic for you to use to replace the bullshit that is now up on your website ...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	cfc90anni.gif
Views:	86
Size:	34.6 KB
ID:	218409

    Please don't discredit / dismiss those who sacrificed so much time, energy and hope in building up nationally organized chess in Canada longgg time before your desires. Instead, acknowledge those who came before you and be thankful and be glad that you have shoulders to stand on :)

  • #2
    See LINK re the CFC's evolutionary roots.
    Organized chess across Canada began with the formation of the Canadian Chess Association (CCA) at Hamilton, Ontario on 1872.09.24.


    • #3
      Hi Neil.

      In Canada you have the freedom to your opinion about things, but it's clear that the CFC considers it's beginnings to be 1872 with the formation of the CCA and the 1932 name change to CCF (and later to CFC) to be a continuation of that organization. Your continual disdain of the CFC Volunteer Board remains amusing to me, but I hope most of the CT readers see through it.



      • #4
        I guess we then have the 150th anniversary of the Chess Federation of Canada, in 2022, in effect, dating from 1872. The name change from Canadian Chess Federation (CCF), from 1932, was because of the founding of the new political party Canadian Co-Operative Federation (CCF) in 1932. So, to avoid the confusion around duplication of acronyms, is how I understand it. That CCF turned into the federal New Democratic Party in 1961.

        And the 150th anniversary of the CFC should be grounds for some sort of celebration this year, one would think!! Perhaps one celebration would be the return to some sort of normalcy with tournament and club chess in the country, recovering from COVID-19, and this is already starting to happen!!!!

