All best on travel to Olympiad / a tip from onsite

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  • All best on travel to Olympiad / a tip from onsite

    All best to those traveling to Chennai, a couple of whom I met in Hamilton last Saturday.

    David Llada just wrote the following on Facebook from onsite (emphasis added):

    Chennai, day 1:
    I had quite a bad trip, something like 27 hours after some delayed flights and short connections. This resulted in horrible jetlag.
    I checked the venue: they are working day and night (literally) to have everything ready on time. Preparations are more advanced than I feared: one week before the event, we already have chairs and tables in their place!
    I am already bitten by mosquitos, and I am afraid they are going to be our main enemy here. My advice: bring repellent (two different types, to have more chances of finding one that works for the local variety), and keep the AC in your room on at all times: the cold keeps them away more effectively than anything else.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Kenneth Regan View Post
    All best to those traveling to Chennai, a couple of whom I met in Hamilton last Saturday.

    David Llada just wrote the following on Facebook from onsite (emphasis added):

    Chennai, day 1:
    I had quite a bad trip, something like 27 hours after some delayed flights and short connections. This resulted in horrible jetlag.
    I checked the venue: they are working day and night (literally) to have everything ready on time. Preparations are more advanced than I feared: one week before the event, we already have chairs and tables in their place!
    I am already bitten by mosquitos, and I am afraid they are going to be our main enemy here. My advice: bring repellent (two different types, to have more chances of finding one that works for the local variety), and keep the AC in your room on at all times: the cold keeps them away more effectively than anything else.
    thanks Ken ... I also cringe most over mosquitoes


    • #3
      I've not travelled to India, but I did live for three years as a youth in the Caribbean at a very similar latitude to Chennai, about 10 degrees north, in Trinidad, where my father worked as an engineering professor. It essentially never went below 25C, and usually hit 30-35 C, on a daily basis. As a young person, I adapted, but my parents suffered, and lost a lot of weight while there.

      Chennai is on the Bay of Bengal, so not only will it be hot (30-35 C), but very humid as well. And it doesn't cool down much at night.

      I am most concerned with the Indian situation concerning reporting of COVID data. It has been published that India's death rate from COVID is at least seven times the government-issued numbers. I know many of the Canadian delegation attending the Olympiad, so I am praying for every Canadian's safety.

      And I have not represented Canada in international chess, but did do so in international amateur golf, in Europe. It's a great honor and privilege, but also an enormous disruption to one's life to travel that far.

      The above post mentioned mosquitoes. The Caribbean has them as well. It is not only their direct bite which is a problem, but what they might be carrying. Beware!

