NON-CHESS threads

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  • NON-CHESS threads

    At the request of many users, a separate forum has been created for NON-CHESS threads. Please use this forum in future. Current NON-CHESS threads are slowly being migrated to the new forum:
    ChessTalk's NON-CHESS Discussion Board

  • #2
    Hi Bob, Neil,
    Sorry your threads seem to have temporarily
    disappeared from sight in the new "Non-Chess"
    Forum created by Henry. I've been unable to
    contact him tonite - but have left a message.
    I'm sure he'll take care of it by mid-day:)


    • #3
      Bravo! I can end my Chesstalk posting boycott.


      • #4
        I'm happy to have my "Climate Change" chess players' discussion thread moved to the new "Non-chess" Forum, if that is the wish of the majority of chess players, and not just a vocal minority, which I fear it is.

        However, that calculation is to be done by the Board owner, Henry. I will abide happily by any decision he makes........and it seems he made it at 11:18 PM on Monday, August 2!

        In fact, Henry has already implemented it. When I now log in to ChessTalk as I always have, the climate change thread is nowhere to be seen now!!!
        Nor, yet, is there any obvious link on the home page to even alert chessplayers to the fact that a new "Non-chess forum" now exists.

        One must know to click on the little faint word "forum" to find the other fora. To the uninitiated, they will just believe that line of type is explanatory re this being the only ChessTalk Forum.

        This does not bode well in my opinion.........are life topics among chessplayers being made hard to get to now??

        I, of course, believe that thread activity will drop substantially once this topic is removed from what used to be the "Open Board", which has now become the "Closed Chess Forum". The topic caught the attention of chess players who might not have otherwise followed it, but did so because they came across it while looking for normal chess threads. We will see if my prediction is right........if I am right, this will be a big loss to the Canadian chess community.

        I would note that this thread has garnered over 10,000 views (!!) since it started, and has had over 500 posts!!!!

        Here are the stats on the viewing of this thread while on the old "Open Board":

        "CT Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change Thread

        Week # 30 (22/7/20 – 22/7/26)

        Weekly Stats:

        ......................................................2022 Average............................................................... 2022 Average

        ..Last Week's.........Prior Week's.....Views/Day.......Last Week's..........Prior Week's.........Responses/Day.

        ..Views/Day...........Views/Day.......(To Date)........Responses/Day......Responses/Day........ (To Date)

        ...65!!............................18....................45..........................4!!..............................1 ..........................2

        Stats Analysis of the Week Past

        Activity last week went through the roof compare to the most recent prior period. Activity is clearly dependent on new responses, and last week there were 4 responses per day! Accordingly the views skyrocketed to more than the yearly average so far this year!

        It is great to see the climate change issue getting more coverage."

        I will now start a new set of stats once the topic is moved to the "Non-chess Forum", so that we can compare whether the chess community, by this decision, has lowered in their world, the ranking of "climate change" among the issues facing mankind at the moment. I believe chess players want to talk to their own about life issues. Those chessplayers not concerned about climate change simply don't have to click - it is obvious what the thread is about, and no one goes into the thread "by mistake or inadvertance".

        I will be interested to see the coming posts on this most significant decision with respect to the operating of this national chess discussion board.

        Bob A (Former Voting Member of CFC, then Governor; former CFC Public Relations Coordinator; Official CFC member since 1964 - Life Member; long-time poster on ChessTalk)
        Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 2nd August, 2022, 04:36 AM.


        • #5
          Was it something I said?


          • #6
            Last edited by Fred Harvey; Saturday, 14th January, 2023, 10:52 AM.
            Fred Harvey


            • #7
              Originally posted by Francis Rodriguez View Post
              Hi Bob, Neil,
              Sorry your threads seem to have temporarily
              disappeared from sight in the new "Non-Chess"
              Forum created by Henry. I've been unable to
              contact him tonite - but have left a message.
              I'm sure he'll take care of it by mid-day:)
              Just spoke to Henry.....
              He said it's all there - just click Refresh on the
              Non-Chess forum page.....or open in a new browser!:)

              I think he'll compile a list of active Non-Chess threads,
              and mention on CT's front-page, so folk know where to go:)


              • #8
                Thanks Francis - It seems like that plan of Henry's will definitely help CT Newbies to know that this forum is multi-layered, right on their first contact with the CT Homepage.



                • #9
                  Splendid, digressions are not tolerated but terrible insults and overt racism are. Very odd priorities it seems to me.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Francis Rodriguez View Post
                    Hi Bob, Neil,
                    Sorry your threads seem to have temporarily
                    disappeared from sight in the new "Non-Chess"
                    Forum created by Henry. I've been unable to
                    contact him tonite - but have left a message.
                    I'm sure he'll take care of it by mid-day:)
                    Originally posted by Francis Rodriguez View Post

                    Just spoke to Henry.....
                    He said it's all there - just click Refresh on the
                    Non-Chess forum page.....or open in a new browser!:)

                    I think he'll compile a list of active Non-Chess threads,
                    and mention on CT's front-page, so folk know where to go:)
                    F'k man humbled by your concern and effort ... much love!

                    Last edited by Neil Frarey; Saturday, 6th August, 2022, 02:18 AM.

