Chess...and your will

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  • #16
    In your case specifically, I might check into that library in Cleveland that has a special chess collection? I'm sure they don't want the latest "how to win with the grand prix attack" but I suspect you'd have some interesting contributions to their collection.


    • #17
      I would be surprised if I had anything that the Cleveland library didn't already have.


      • #18
        Hi Hugh, that's a great concept!

        Annex Chess Club and Chess Institute of Canada share a library that currently has circa 300 books. We let our members borrow them when needed. We always have space for more books today, tomorrow and in several decades.

        We occasionally donate a few books to public libraries that are looking for chess material. We gifted some for example to libraries located in First Nation reserves for their chess players.


        • #19
          When I started working at the Waterloo Library Main branch I donated several books to their chess section. I also went in and made a point of getting to know the librarian who is in charge of acquisitions and collections. Turns out she shared a love of chess with her father in the past and she encouraged me to come back and share any interesting chess stories. Regarding books Ive donated I also made a request that before they decide to get rid of any books (only chess) they contact me. Ive been happy to note that there is a large increase in checking out chess books, especially the ones Ive donated.


          • #20
            I also played my boss a game at her initiative. One day a chess set came out of storage and was placed on the top of her filing cabinet and she challenged me to a game. I took black and played the Alekhines and she outplayed me with a central pawn wedge and even attacked my kings position with a quick h4-h5, This caused quite a buzz and she even got lots of move suggestions from other employees (which I encouraged). However she got a little too creative with Rh3, instead of castling - and with her king in the center thats all I needed. I offered her a draw and she got this confused look on her face and said why would you do that? - you are winning. I said its good publicity - staff will realise theres another good player here besides me and you will be congratulated and we can publicize rhe game. The game took three months - one move per shift was the goal but often a week went by without a move. At the end she forced me to checkmate her. What a fighter!

