Kingston Chess Club celebrated IM Panjwani's Chennai Olympiad success!!!

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  • Kingston Chess Club celebrated IM Panjwani's Chennai Olympiad success!!!

    On Monday, August 15, the Kingston Chess Club celebrated the wonderful play of former member IM Raja Panjwani at the Chennai Olympiad 2022!! Raja, with 6.5/9, on board two, made the best score of any Canadian male player. This was also a GM norm performance. Raja was a KCC member, along with his father, Dr. Dilip Panjwani, when they lived in Kingston 20002-2004.
    During our regular meeting, we played through and analyzed Raja's dazzling 24-move win in the last round, over Cuban GM Cabrera. I had prepared some notes, and KCC members, gathered around the table, expanded the discussion into other variations, all of which showed Raja winning!!! Everyone still involved with KCC from that era remembers the Panjwani's very fondly.
    After the chess was complete for the night, a group of KCC members, joined by a music producer friend of mine, continued the festivities by getting together for some wine and food at a local restaurant!!!
    I was in a generous mood, as Raja's former coach from 2000-2004, so I treated the group to three bottles of wine! I am not normally much of a drinker of alcohol, but this was a special occasion!! In honor of Raja's national and international success, we enjoyed an American White -- Beringer Pinot Grigio; an Argentinian Red -- Malbec; and a Canadian Rose -- Peller Reserve. It was a very jovial evening!! It would have taken a few more international bottles to cover all the countries Raja has successfully visited for chess!!
    We also celebrated KCC member Jake Van Rooy's victory in the recent Vankleek Hill Open 2022. Jake has also been elected into the role of KCC President, following the retirement of Dave Gordon, after many years of fine leadership.
    Hopefully, we will be able to celebrate again soon, if and when Raja raises his FIDE rating to 2500, fulfilling the final requirement to become a Grandmaster!!! One more good tournament should do it!!

  • #2
    That is indeed a fine celebration for a very worthy individual Frank! Hopefully Raja completes his grandmaster requirements soon and the celebrating can continue! Well done.


    • #3
      And the Kitchener-Waterloo chess community could do something grander, I am sure, since Raja has ties to that area, from his high school years!!


      • #4
        I would love to - but - we are still waiting for Kitchener City Hall to get over its siege mentality. Patience required. I would like to celebrate 50 years (for me) of tournament chess and am thinking of doing that in the spring of next year. Hopefully by that time Raja will have his GM title and we will have alot of celebrating going on.

