Looking for someone to help us with Social Media

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  • Looking for someone to help us with Social Media

    I created the Chess'n Math Association, Canada's National Scholastic Chess Association, 37 years ago. The average age of my staff today that has been with us for over 5 years, is over 60 years old! Yep a gang of old timers...and I lead the pack at 69!

    What I would like is someone to help us with Social Media as we know nothing :)

    So if you can make a contribution, yes you will be paid, please contact me at bevand at chess hyphen math.org or if you can refer me to someone that is also good.



  • #2
    Hi Larry
    No one beats father time!
    What is the current state of affairs? What are you hoping for?
    Your wish is a bit vague


    • #3
      Hi Mike,

      Good questions!

      Actually it is hard for me to be specific since it is a field of which I know very little :).

      At some point we had a Chess'n Math Facebook page for each location as well as one (or more) for Strategy Games. From what I understand Facebook decided that we were listed incorrectly (at least that is what I understand) and we have to relist properly...but they allowed us to keep everything from the site until we re-established correctly.

      So that would be item #1.

      I am not familiar with Instagram and whatever else exists and I don't believe we have a presence there...is it worthwhile...should we be there...heck if I know.

      Then with Xmas on the horizon, I think it might be worthwhile to plug the Strategy Games site. How do we do that, what is involved...again...heck if I know :).

      And of course...what are the costs involved.



      • #4

        Ideally CMA's Business Plan( I assume there is one) should have a big section for Internet Strategy and the actual platforms like FB etc are part of this. I would start with the plan, evaluate what you have(which you are already doing), identify problems, identify wishes. Then the potential solutions should flow logically. What about Yve's replacement? It pays to document your thoughts and get many people involved. Maybe your tech person can help.


        • #5
          Develop your brand ... how you do what you do ... is key to any lasting level of engagement.

          Most of my clients for which I create social media content such as graphics or motion graphics, are all targeted to a certain level of engagement mostly focusing on pull marketing techniques and all generally use Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

          Since CMA is such a dynamic entity with a lot of stuff going on most all the time it would easy to keep your content fresh. Keep your brand fresh all while keeping it UNIQUELY you.

          You can always drop an ad anywhere on your platforms ... pin it at the top if you like.

          But if I may, don't ever forget that you are part of a larger scene. You can use those scenes to your advantage by tagging, by reposting, etc., to help build your brand and in turn build engagement.

          Content is king ... keep it relevant ... keep it fresh.


          • #6
            So it's more than just someone to help. You need a full time team posting fresh stuff weekly or even better daily. And it's to draw people to your tournaments, teachers/courses, and to specific items to buy on your website. The team will have in advance a skeleton calendar of topics to cover for the whole year. Your team will be posting interviews with winners of cma events and Canadian masters who played in cma events when they were young, promoting upcoming events, reviews of chess books and dvds that every rising player needs to have, discussion of how many chess sets one can have and why the different designs. Social media is interactive. They will be setting up online competitions where users can post videos of funny faces when playing chess, chess combo diagrams, pets on a chessboard, or their fastest/shortest games sped up.


            • #7
              One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of the content you might like to post will be of kids playing chess; there may be concerns from some parents around digital privacy to keep in mind (eg, most schools nowadays at the start of the year explicitly ask you to state whether you are comfortable having your child's photos on the school social media).

