2022 City of Mississauga NOVEMBER Chess Tournament - November 11-13

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  • #16
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    Last edited by Ferdinand Tejano Supsup; Monday, 7th November, 2022, 06:50 AM.


    • #17

      (1) Register and e-transfer your entry fee of $100 by email to ferdinand.supsup@gmail.com until TODAY, NOVEMBER 10, Thursday
      (2) Please include your Name, CFC#, Rating, Section, Byes.
      (3) You will not be paired if you have not RENEWED your annual CFC Membership or not PAID your one (1) time Tournament Fee of $20


      • #18


        • #19
          Round 2 PAIRINGS now POSTED: https://chess-results.com/fed.aspx?lan=1&fed=CAN


          • #20
            ROUND 2 PHOTOS:



            • #21
              ROUND 3 PHOTOS:



              • #22
                ROUND 4 PHOTOS:



                • #23
                  Round 5 PHOTOS:



                  • #24
                    Chess Results LINK

                    SwissSys Standings. 2022 City of Mississauga NOVEMBER Chess Tournament:

                    Over 2000 Section
                    # Place Name Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Total
                    1 1 Vishruth Sharma 2123 W8 W5 H--- D3 W2 4.0
                    2 2-5 Daniel Abrahams 2215 W6 D3 H--- W7 L1 3.0
                    3 Savio Joseph Benher 2112 W10 D2 W4 D1 L5 3.0
                    4 Eddie Xu 2057 H--- W9 L3 D5 W7 3.0
                    5 Allan Munro 2136 W7 L1 D8 D4 W3 3.0
                    6 6 Michelle Hua 1998 L2 X10 L7 W9 D8 2.5
                    7 7-9 Eric Qian 1965 L5 W8 W6 L2 L4 2.0
                    8 Jonath Joseph 1902 L1 L7 D5 B--- D6 2.0
                    9 Nikola Brajkovic 1951 H--- L4 H--- L6 B--- 2.0
                    10 10 Gurmanjit Ahluwalia unr. L3 F6 U--- U--- U--- 0.0

                    SwissSys Standings. 2022 City of Mississauga NOVEMBER Chess Tournament:

                    Under 2000 Section
                    # Place Name Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Total
                    1 1 Valerie Ruchinskaya 1569 B--- W7 D2 W5 D3 4.0
                    2 2 Bingfei Wang 1962 W3 W6 D1 D4 D7 3.5
                    3 3-5 Vincent Chen 1663 L2 D5 W7 W8 D1 3.0
                    4 Hanxi (Hancy) Jiang 1874 L5 W8 D9 D2 W6 3.0
                    5 April Yunwei Zhong 1642 W4 D3 D6 L1 B--- 3.0
                    6 6-7 Ryan Yunhui Zhong 1673 W8 L2 D5 W9 L4 2.5
                    7 Lefan Yang 1764 W9 L1 L3 B--- D2 2.5
                    8 8 Glib Dunikov 1579 L6 L4 B--- L3 W9 2.0
                    9 9 Irene Xie 1626 L7 B--- D4 L6 L8 1.5

                    SwissSys Standings. 2022 City of Mississauga NOVEMBER Chess Tournament:

                    Under 1600 Section
                    # Place Name Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Total
                    1 1 Albert Yang 1133 W21 D9 W25 W4 W5 4.5
                    2 2-3 Jaipreet Singh Dhaliwal 1339 W22 W19 D5 W3 H--- 4.0
                    3 Jude Tuladhar 1098 W30 W7 W18 L2 W9 4.0
                    4 4-7 Gabriel Elizarov 714 W6 X17 H--- L1 W18 3.5
                    5 Kahan Desai 1481 W23 W10 D2 W15 L1 3.5
                    6 Onur Naiboglu 1156 L4 W22 W13 D14 W15 3.5
                    7 Lucy Yang 1199 W20 L3 W28 W17 H--- 3.5
                    8 8-14 Yeeshuen Li 1034 W31 H--- L9 D10 W24 3.0
                    9 Anna Gavrileva 1378 W28 D1 W8 H--- L3 3.0
                    10 Allen Li 1125 W29 L5 W24 D8 D11 3.0
                    11 David Dunikov 1432 D16 L15 W19 W25 D10 3.0
                    12 Mark Anthony Biong 1406 H--- D13 L15 W22 W19 3.0
                    13 Ricky Chen 1050 H--- D12 L6 W30 W20 3.0
                    14 William Bi 1272 L25 W29 W20 D6 D17 3.0
                    15 15-18 Sean Shi 1110 H--- W11 W12 L5 L6 2.5
                    16 Sanjoy Pal 1034 D11 L24 W26 L18 W25 2.5
                    17 Raghava Rao Bondada 1144 W27 F4 W23 L7 D14 2.5
                    18 Rudra Sheth 1298 H--- W26 L3 W16 L4 2.5
                    19 19-24 Shabd Dembla 943 W24 L2 L11 W28 L12 2.0
                    20 Owen Barbisan 756 L7 W31 L14 W23 L13 2.0
                    21 Bhargav Natarajan 459 L1 H--- H--- L24 X27 2.0
                    22 Stephanie Xiao 983 L2 L6 W27 L12 W30 2.0
                    23 Jashank Dave 1050 L5 W27 L17 L20 W26 2.0
                    24 Ashwin Chunchu 1206 L19 W16 L10 W21 L8 2.0
                    25 25-26 Marie Guan 947 W14 H--- L1 L11 L16 1.5
                    26 Tejas Prakash 631 H--- L18 L16 W29 L23 1.5
                    27 27-30 William Liu unr. L17 L23 L22 B--- F21 1.0
                    28 Udayveer Singh 1033 L9 W30 L7 L19 U--- 1.0
                    29 Brandon Attwill 203 L10 L14 L30 L26 B--- 1.0
                    30 Mark Barbisan unr. L3 L28 W29 L13 L22 1.0
                    31 31 Mehmet Uyanik 1443 L8 L20 U--- U--- U--- 0.0

                    Last edited by Ferdinand Tejano Supsup; Monday, 14th November, 2022, 12:03 AM.


                    • #25
                      Hi Ferdinand:

                      Congrads on your first tournament..........a good start..........keep organizing.

                      Hope I can make it to your next one.



                      • #26
                        Thanks to Ferdinand for organizing this tournament in Mississauga and IA Omar being the arbiter.

                        Great tournaments and the followings are what players and parents are expecting from tournament organizer and arbiters which both Ferdinand Supsup and Omar Shah executed it very well. Kudos to both of them.

                        1. Tournament begins on time every round and especially on round 1. Paring up one hour before round begins.

                        2. Live games

                        3. Enough resting time between rounds

                        4. All chess equipment provided.

                        5. Pretty good prize money based on number of players which eventually pro-rate accordingly.

                        6. Lots of information provided prior to tournament begins and during the tournament. I think this is one of the most important aspect which parents and players look forward to. No surprises and confusion causing unnecessary stress to players.

                        7. FIDE rated as well for higher sections.

                        All the best to your next tournament and beyond. I am sure more players will come out and support the tournaments when they find out that they are well organized. Mississauga and surrounding folks - take note of this new created tournament in your city by this new tournament organizer - Ferdinand Supsup - a Mississauga resident


                        Last edited by Gary Hua; Monday, 14th November, 2022, 12:55 PM.


                        • #27
                          Thank you very much Gary for the kind words of encouragement and endorsement. I am very NEW to this endeavour as a chess organizer and there will be lots of things to learn. There were concerns during the tournament from parents and I went back to the church this morning to address these issues immediately and ask them to provide me resolutions asap. There were some forfeits but I will address this issue if they will register again and I will make sure, this will not happen again. I have provided my email addresses and mobile phone number on every score sheets to contact me in case of an emergency and there should be ample time for me to find a replacement, who are more than willing to play. Attitude and respect is very important to me. I would like to thank all parents for bringing their kids and the rest of chess players specially to FM Allan Munro and NM Daniel Abrahams, I thank you for your presence. Friends and parents of chess players who provided me advice to attract more players and to the extent of voluntarily providing free accommodation to titled players, those were gratefully appreciated. I am looking forward to hosting you again and experience the difference. Sincerely AFM Ferdinand Supsup


                          • #28
                            RESULTS and PRIZES:

                            SwissSys Standings. 2022 City of Mississauga NOVEMBER Chess Tournament: Over 2000 Section
                            # Place Name Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Total Prize
                            1 1 Vishruth Sharma 2123 W8 W5 H--- D3 W2 4.0 $350.00
                            2 2-5 Daniel Abrahams 2215 W6 D3 H--- W7 L1 3.0 $93.00
                            3 Savio Joseph Benher 2112 W10 D2 W4 D1 L5 3.0 $93.00
                            4 Eddie Xu 2057 H--- W9 L3 D5 W7 3.0 $93.00
                            5 Allan Munro 2136 W7 L1 D8 D4 W3 3.0 $93.00
                            6 6 Michelle Hua 1998 L2 X10 L7 W9 D8 2.5
                            7 7-9 Eric Qian 1965 L5 W8 W6 L2 L4 2.0
                            8 Jonath Joseph 1902 L1 L7 D5 B--- D6 2.0
                            9 Nikola Brajkovic 1951 H--- L4 H--- L6 B--- 2.0
                            10 Gurmanjit Ahluwalia unr. L3 F6 U--- U--- U--- 0.0

                            SwissSys Standings. 2022 City of Mississauga NOVEMBER Chess Tournament: Under 2000 Section
                            # Place Name Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Total Prize
                            1 1 Valerie Ruchinskaya 1569 B--- W7 D2 W5 D3 4.0 $250.00
                            2 2 Bingfei Wang 1962 W3 W6 D1 D4 D7 3.5 $175.00
                            3 3-5 Vincent Chen 1663 L2 D5 W7 W8 D1 3.0 $34.00
                            4 Hanxi (Hancy) Jiang 1874 L5 W8 D9 D2 W6 3.0 $34.00
                            5 April Yunwei Zhong 1642 W4 D3 D6 L1 B--- 3.0 $34.00
                            6 6-7 Ryan Yunhui Zhong 1673 W8 L2 D5 W9 L4 2.5
                            7 Lefan Yang 1764 W9 L1 L3 B--- D2 2.5
                            8 Glib Dunikov 1579 L6 L4 B--- L3 W9 2.0
                            9 Irene Xie 1626 L7 B--- D4 L6 L8 1.5

                            SwissSys Standings. 2022 City of Mississauga NOVEMBER Chess Tournament: Under 1600 Section
                            # Place Name Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Total Prize
                            1 1 Albert Yang 1133 W21 D9 W25 W4 W5 4.5 $220.00
                            2 2-3 Jaipreet Singh Dhaliwal 1339 W22 W19 D5 W3 H--- 4.0 $125.00
                            3 Jude Tuladhar 1098 W30 W7 W18 L2 W9 4.0 $125.00
                            4 4-7 Gabriel Elizarov 714 W6 X17 H--- L1 W18 3.5
                            5 Kahan Desai 1481 W23 W10 D2 W15 L1 3.5
                            6 Onur Naiboglu 1156 L4 W22 W13 D14 W15 3.5
                            7 Lucy Yang 1199 W20 L3 W28 W17 H--- 3.5
                            8 8-14 Yeeshuen Li 1034 W31 H--- L9 D10 W24 3.0
                            9 Anna Gavrileva 1378 W28 D1 W8 H--- L3 3.0
                            10 Allen Li 1125 W29 L5 W24 D8 D11 3.0
                            11 David Dunikov 1432 D16 L15 W19 W25 D10 3.0
                            12 Mark Anthony Biong 1406 H--- D13 L15 W22 W19 3.0
                            13 Ricky Chen 1050 H--- D12 L6 W30 W20 3.0
                            14 William Bi 1272 L25 W29 W20 D6 D17 3.0
                            15 15-18 Sean Shi 1110 H--- W11 W12 L5 L6 2.5
                            16 Sanjoy Pal 1034 D11 L24 W26 L18 W25 2.5
                            17 Raghava Rao Bondada 1144 W27 F4 W23 L7 D14 2.5
                            18 Rudra Sheth 1298 H--- W26 L3 W16 L4 2.5
                            19 19-24 Shabd Dembla 943 W24 L2 L11 W28 L12 2.0
                            20 Owen Barbisan 756 L7 W31 L14 W23 L13 2.0
                            21 Bhargav Natarajan 459 L1 H--- H--- L24 X27 2.0
                            22 Stephanie Xiao 983 L2 L6 W27 L12 W30 2.0
                            23 Jashank Dave 1050 L5 W27 L17 L20 W26 2.0
                            24 Ashwin Chunchu 1206 L19 W16 L10 W21 L8 2.0
                            25 25-26 Marie Guan 947 W14 H--- L1 L11 L16 1.5
                            26 Tejas Prakash 631 H--- L18 L16 W29 L23 1.5
                            27 27-30 William Liu unr. L17 L23 L22 B--- F21 1.0
                            28 Udayveer Singh 1033 L9 W30 L7 L19 U--- 1.0
                            29 Brandon Attwill 203 L10 L14 L30 L26 B--- 1.0
                            30 Mark Barbisan unr. L3 L28 W29 L13 L22 1.0
                            31 Mehmet Uyanik 1443 L8 L20 U--- U--- U--- 0.0


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                              Hi Ferdinand:

                              Congrads on your first tournament..........a good start..........keep organizing.

                              Hope I can make it to your next one.

                              Looking forward into it. I hope you're at the best of your health when we see each other again. Thank you very much!


                              • #30
                                I just noticed that 10 were female players in my 1st chess tournament. Valerie Ruchinskaya from Woodbridge reigned supreme in the Under 2000 playing up. Queen's Gambit movie coming to reality? Keep an eye on that lady, gentlemen!

