Sofia Polgars book

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  • Sofia Polgars book a review of Sofia Polgars book.

  • #2 What makes the book special - an ideal Christmas gift.


    • #3
      The Polgar sisters have played a big role in world chess for the last 40 years. And we as Canadians have been privileged to have our moments with them. I remember Judith at the New York Open in 1985 sitting with a Teddy Bear beside her and beating 2300's easily. In my mind the best way to remember her. Sofia came to Canada many times. In Guelph in 1983? she as a little girl was taking on all comers blindfolded! - and then there were many moments at North Bay 1995 with Susan and Sofia. In 2004? in Hamilton I met Sofia and her family and had a nice conversation with her and her two young sons (who now apparently are off to university). She was also involved a lot with Ted Winick and his camps. Ive grown to know Susan best after several visits to Texas and Webster Groves. She even organised a tournament just for me to play in!
      Just this past week the Polgar sisters were celebrating the 35th anniversary of their dramatic win of the Olympics over the Soviets. Its hard to believe that the teenage Sofia that I remember the best is now 50! and they all continue to be icons in the chess world.

